Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Christmas Songs, Dec 1: Glory Halleluyah

Dear Professor Falola,

Thank you for posting this performance. I have already listened to it and just think it is glorious. I am not a trained musician, but I  think this piece is an amazing complex composition and the choir executes it brilliantly. It's complexity lies in the fact that the composer has grounded the piece in Yoruba composition style and with a complex orchestration that explores local instruments to the fullest. It is in my view a wonderful blend of Nigerian and classical musical ideas which beautifully invites a meditative and celebratory response with dance. I have watched many of these compositions on line and think there is a lot for musicologist to excavate and educate us on the creativity reflected in the Nigerian Christian song today.


On 12/1/2021 1:52 AM, Toyin Falola wrote:

25. Glory Halleluyah (Daystar Carol)


I bring you 25 great musical voices to enjoy the season. You don't have to be a believer to enjoy any season!

In the spirit of global peace, our collective insecurity brought by COVID, and other problems, let us seek peace and not fame. Fame is not a blessing, as the Wollof say. Joy and peace are the ultimate blessings.



Ask yourself: how do you manage a big team as this? How do you combine multiple instruments?


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--   Elias Kifon Bongmba PhD, DTheo (Lund)  Harry and Hazel Chair in Christian Theology  Professor of Religion  Chair, Department of Religion  Executive Editor, the Journal of Religion in Africa  Rice university  PO Box 1892 Houston TX 77251-1892

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