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This series collates and curates studies of Africa in its multivalent local, regional, and global contexts. It aims fundamentally to capture in one series historical, contemporary and multidisciplinary studies which analyze the dynamics of the African predicament from deeply theoretical perspectives while marshalling empirical data to describe, explain, and predict trends in continuities and change in Africa and in African studies.
The books published in this series represents the multiplicity of voices, local and global in relation to African futures. It not only represents diversity, but also provides a platform for convergence of outstanding research that will enliven debates about the future of Africa, while also advancing theory and informing policy making. Preference is given to studies that deliberately link the past with the present and advances knowledge about various African nations by extending the range, breadth, depth, types and sources of data and information existing and emerging about these countries.
Pastoralist-Farmer Conflicts in Nigeria: A Human Displacement Perspective by Adebajo Adeola Aderayo
Copper King in Central Africa: Corporate Organization, Labor Relations, and Profitability of Zambia's Rhokana Corporation by Hyden Munene
Rethinking Institutions, Processes and Development in Africa edited by Ernest Aniche and Toyin Falola
Civil and Political Rights in Cameroon: A Theoretical and Contextual Appraisal by Avitus Agbor
Religious Beliefs and Knowledge Systems in Africa by Toyin Falola and Nicole Griffin
If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please contact Toyin Falola at toyinfalola@austin.utexas.edu.
Lexington Books
A division of the Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc.
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To submit a manuscript for consideration by Lexington Books, please send the following:
a prospectus (see below for details)
one or two sample chapters
your curriculum vitae
If you are proposing a contributed volume, please include titles, affiliations, and brief resumes for each of the contributors. And in lieu of sample chapters for an edited collection, we would prefer abstracts of each chapter.
The prospectus should include:
1. Your name, email address, and professional affiliation.
2. The working title of your project.
3. A short description that succinctly states the argument of the book (1 – 3 sentences).
4. A detailed description of the book outlining the core themes, issues, goals, and/or topics of the work, what makes it unique, and what questions it seeks to answer. (2 – 5 pgs)
5. An annotated table of contents, with a descriptive paragraph for each chapter.
6. A description of your target audience (undergraduate or graduate students? scholars (in which departments)? professionals?).
7. An analysis of competing or similar books (including publishers and dates), describing distinctive and original elements of your project that set it apart from these other works.
8. (optional) A list of courses in which your book might be used as a text or supplementary text, if any, along with the course level at which this book may be used.
9. An indication of whether any part of your manuscript has been published previously.
10. An indication if the manuscript is a revised version of a doctoral dissertation. If so, what changes you are proposing to prepare it for publication.
11. The length of the manuscript either as a word count or a page count (12-point type, double-spaced 8 1/2" by 11" pages). Will there be figures, tables, or other non-text material, and, if so, approximately how many? If the text is not complete, please still estimate its final length, not including the non-text material.
12. If the manuscript is not complete, an estimate of when it will be finished.
13. The names of four to seven respected scholars in your field with whom you have no personal or professional relationship. Include their titles, affiliations, and e-mail addresses.
14. An indication of whether the manuscript is under consideration by other publishers (we especially need to know if you have sent the proposal or manuscript to another division of Rowman & Littlefield).
Please send the above materials to the series editor.
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