Sunday, June 12, 2022

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: Poetic Thought

Dear Chidi,

Let the purveyors of malicious propaganda 
Perish in their own excrement and shameless
Sheikhs of fake news shriek their everlasting 

That's what I says. 

The Ear  - by Louis MacNeice

There are many sounds which are neither music nor voice, 
There are many visitors in masks or in black glasses
 Climbing the spiral staircase of the ear. The choice 
Of callers is not ours. Behind the hedge 
Of night they wait to pounce. A train passes, 
The thin and audible end of a dark wedge. 

 We should like to lie alone in a deaf hollow
 Cocoon of self where no person or thing would speak;
 In fact we lie and listen as a man might follow 
A will o' the wisp in an endless eyeless bog,
Follow the terrible drone of a cockchafer, or the bleak 
Oracle of a barking dog.

On Wednesday, 8 June 2022 at 23:52:54 UTC+2 wrote:
The lord from Lagos
Or is it Iragbaji?
To the soapbox,
Spoke a slurred speech
And with shaky hands
Snatched a mandate.

(C) Chidi Anthony Opara


Chidi Anthony Opara is a Poet, IIM Professional Fellow, MIT Chief Data Officer Ambassador and Founder/Publisher of,

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