Thursday, September 29, 2022

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Buhari/osinbajo.painful ,bloody birth of a new nigeria

Nigeria is in the maternity ward  there is blood all over the babiy"s head.a painful birth  but  mother nigeria is still pushing ,crying ,with great expectations with SMEs and mortgage  Buhari has done the unprecedented.
Nigeria is now approaching  being a paradise for SMEs.the latest  is the MOu signed with fidelity Bank towards bridging the 158 billion  dollar  funding gap for SMEs.  There are 41 milion smes in nigeria. If each one of them could  employ just  more person  you would have solved nigerias employment problem 

Secondly  the giant step  of allowing nigerian workers to acess  25 per cent of thier pension  funds for  residential  housing.leading to millions of nigerians owning their own homes. And multiplier effect for job creation  through  the construction  industry .
Aviation  is also taking off on a promising note with Ethiopian Airlines, Africa's number 1 being rechnical partner for  nigerian Air. 
Great.Good things are happening  in nigeria 
I want to suggest that the  president invite  to dinner gilbert  ekugbe journalist-author  of a recent Article  on agric tech in Thisday  Newspaper and femi d ojumu a lawyer writing in catalysing  the digital  economy. In the Guardian  Newspaper  september 28 2023.if the president  does this. Nigeria  should  be fine. Long live  nigeria. 

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