Sunday, March 26, 2023

USA Africa Dialogue Series - casting our nets wider; letter to President Joe Biden

Dear President Joe Biden

We are not poor in nigeria we have our funds looted and stashed even in your own USA so i suspect for other African countries.

mr joe Biden why don"t we labell the theft of these funds as terrorism or crimes against humanity which they are!

The world is obviously losing out of Africas contribution to a morethriving environment

mr joe biden there are still so many difficult problems to be solved, hence the need to cast our nets wider.

We cannot afford to be complacent, anything can happen ,we were just lucky with covid 19

Even in the west where against covid 19r it was a race against time .here in the Uk it was a nigerian , already forgotten,who helped Britain to reconfigure a manufacturing plant to produce respirators in the absence then of a vaccine.

       We might have to embark on some kind of project crucial to our survival of which the minerals Are available and vast  in Africa but of  which we are  without the mathematics, the physics and the materiall science to get on with the task,  this is the more reason why we have to ensure we make the most of the brains available to develop mathematics physics and material science because we might have o embark on a project at a scale never imagined with the necessary maths, physics ,chemistry and material sceince.

We are lucky that in a country like nigeria there is still a very good education ethic the people love to be educated i think most of them and many aspire to read to the highest level in the most difficult of disciplines , the world ought to take advantage of this as also as it occurs in any other country.

   First we have to put an end to malnutrition so that african children develop their maximun cognitive potentials .then we have to provide these children with potable water.

I want to see for instance the G7 countries providing free education for any one in africa who gets admitted to study education,particularly teacher education then we can prioritise subjects down the line .president joe biden, tomorrow may be too late.thank you for reading


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