Saturday, March 4, 2023

USA Africa Dialogue Series - letter to chief olusegun Obasanjo , .november 2022

Dear General Olusegun Obasanjo

Should we go ahead with 2023 elections?.Many troubling issues.ltake party finance. Our Polling agents cut across   the 120,000 plus polling booths  are volunteer.they should be regarded as volunteers.

            Volunteers do not get paid as employees at the very best they are given stipends  or refreshments and   transportation fare.thats all   volunteers have helped to build the world expecting nothing in return,thats i nothing in return to those who had called them to serve  sir that's one  dysfunctional thing about  2023

The politicians have earmarked money to pay or settle the polling agents this is risky

I know you are a chief but i address you as a general

                 Recruiting volunteers and getting votes  and raising finance  are part of the true test of the competencies of our presidential candidates  and other politicians but having failed or not having the confidence or stamina to recruit voters and volunteers  and to raise capital other than what they have acquired for themselves legally  or corruptly.

       Out side the  acceptable and best of traditions they have decided instead to deploy  bags and bags of Money or at other times gifts of items costing lots and lots of money

               It is expected that if you can convince the voter to be on your side and you can recruit him as a volunteer then on being elected President there would be an awesome amount of things, good deeds in this case you would readily be able to convince the citizens to do things  like, buying y insurance   not urinating in the open space, or defecating in public ,,support  of  alma mater,, blood donation,  paying tax, investing in nigeria, having a bank account   driving safely ,, drinking responsibly etc because they look at you as a leader you are able to persuade them and convince them without inducements just by word of mouth.that is leadership/

   Sir i address you as General  since as you once reminded us You earned you your rank

 and its no small achievement,one in 100 Lieutenant become Generals'

My main reason of writing you is  2023 against the background of the Americans 

Deciding that  they that are returning to the moon  /this time would be different

  Because Of what i presume is the population of  Nigerians working for  NASA

Some how the swearing in of the Nigerian president falls on May  29 anniversary of the birth of john F kennedy who gave the challenge to the USA scientists toll and a man on the moon and more importantly bring him back safely.

General Obasanjo in its management 2023 polls  can compare to what the usa did in 1969 landing a man on the moon

But in place of scientists and engineers we have polling agents and administrators and other foot men/its quite complex managing such a system

And our politicians have  not shown they are up to the task

Augustine Togonu-Bickersteth

Mon, Nov 21, 2022, 8:10 PM
to adewalemediaMediareportFreemanjare

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Augustine Togonu-Bickersteth <>
Date: Sun, Nov 20, 2022 at 7:32 PM
Subject: Letter to General Olusegun Obasanjo on 2023 polls
To: <>

Dear General Olusegun Obasanjo

Should we go ahead with 2023 elections?.Many troubling issues. Sir, take party finance. Our Polling agents cut across   the 120,000 plus polling booths  are volunteers.they should be regarded as volunteers.

            Volunteers do not get paid as employees at the very best they are given refreshments and   transportation fare. Hats all   volunteers have helped to build the world expecting nothing in return,t hats nothing in return to those who had called them to serve  sir that's one dysfunctional thing about  2023

The politicians have earmarked money to pay or settle the polling agents this is risky

I know you are a chief Sir, but i address you as a General for good reason.

                 Recruiting volunteers , getting voters  and raising finance  are part of the true test of the competencies of our presidential candidates and other politicians but having failed or not having the confidence or stamina to recruit voters and volunteers and to raise capital other than what they have acquired for themselves legally or corruptly.they have move  Out side the  acceptable and best of traditions.

they have decided instead to deploy  bags and bags of Money or at other times gifts of items costing lots and lots of money

               It is expected that if you can convince the voter to be on your side and you can recruit him as a volunteer then on being elected President there would be an awesome amount of things, good deeds in this case. you would readily be able to convince the citizens to do .;things  like, buying insurance ,  not urinating in the open space, or defecating in public ,,support  of  alma mater,, blood donation,  paying tax, investing in nigeria, having a bank account   driving safely ,, drinking responsibly etc because they look at you as a leader you are able to persuade them and convince them without inducements just by word of mouth. That is leadership/

   Sir i address you as General  since as you once reminded us You earned you your rank

 and its no small achievement, one in 100 Lieutenants become Generals'.

My main reason of writing you is  2023 against the background of the Americans 

Deciding that  they that are returning to the moon  /this time would be different

  Because Of what i presume is the population of Nigerians working for  NASA

Some how the swearing in of the Nigerian president falls on May  29 anniversary of the birth of President john F Kennedy who gave the challenge to the USA scientists toll and a man on the moon and more importantly bring him back safely.

General Obasanjo sir, in its management 2023 polls  can compare to what the usa did in 1969 landing a man on the moon.we are out to land a man in the presidential villa, Abuja

But in place of scientists and engineers we have polling agents and administrators and other foot men/ .its quite complex managing such a system

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