Saturday, May 27, 2023

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Dangote refinery: Birth of a new Nigeria

On The Birth of a new Nigeria; Dangote, Chemistry and Chemical Engineers and higher education in nigeria
, Godwin Emefiele, Governor of Central Bank Nigeria at the out break of covid -19 pandemic informed that we have got to start practicing what we studied like chemistry so he must be the happiest man today with the Dangote refinery and petrochemical plant the largest in the world ,perhaps now those high profile nigerians who have abandoned their degrees in chemistry or chemical engineering would start dusting their certificates or sniffing around for some chemical start ups. there are names like Ibukun awosika, ex chairperson first bank, Isaac orelugbagbe of lagos business school achartered accountant with a 4.5 grade point average out of a possible 5 points in chemistry, there is mr dozie MD of f Diamond bank now defunct, cardoso citi bank, professor oye laran oyeyinka chief of staff to the african development bank, there is even Olu Akanmu, pharmacist and therefore an applied chemist, now president of O PAY and co ceo well ifeanyi oputa is back as director general of nigerian association of small scale industries.fair enough nu he has a sizeable portion of himself in photography and film studio 24 nigeria,team leader. our best minister ogbonaiya on phd chemical engineering is remiiding of XI jiping chinese leader responsible for giant strides in china.
so we could confidently say" DUPONT in USA with 98.000 employees ,BASF in GERMANY,SINOPEC in CHINA and now DANGOTEi n Nigeria, its the Birth of a new nigeria.!!!. I can see the Promise Land!11111
chemistry takes care of us from cradle to cradle no longer cradle to the grave in this era of circular economy.. we are back on track hopefully with chemistry with the is that necessary linkages of dangote with our educational institutions. a symbiotic relationship. a bi directional flow of talents. universities in nigeria have had and still have some of the best chemists in the world as recently rated, university of ibadan is a good example.
its been revealed long before that there are no chemicals in the chemical engineering laboratories in nigerian universities by no less a person that tinuade afolabi , professor and president then of association of women professional engineers APWEN. te chemical engineers are said to be in a class of their own. they are said to be the universal engineers, their work load in the usa universities at least is second only to those of architecture students.
,DANGOTE refinery will be the singular largest employer of chemical engineers in the country. Nigerian Universities turn out about 1,000 chemical engineers every year and the avenues for employment have been very scarce. #work #architecture #china #employment #nigeria #startups #students #business

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