Tuesday, May 23, 2023

USA Africa Dialogue Series - June 6, AGH 1973 seminar!!

The African Economic History Seminar, University of Cambridge

The Global Economic History Seminar, University of Cambridge

Joint final meeting of 2023



With Gareth Austin (Cambridge), Laura Channing (Durham), Bronwen Everill (Cambridge, chair), Toyin Falola (UT Austin), Ann McDougall (Alberta)

and Tony Hopkins (Cambridge)


Senior Parlour, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge

6 June 2023, 17:15-18:45

In person and online*


2023 is fifty years since the first publication of A. G. Hopkins's classic An Economic History of West Africa (Longman) an extraordinary interpretative synthesis of the early research in its field. Controversial at the time in various ways, the book inspired not only scholarly debates but generations of further research, leading to the production of numerous doctoral dissertations, articles and monographs. In late 2019 a second edition appeared (Routledge), with a new, 43-page introduction in which the author discussed the context in which the book was written, and reflected on it in relation to subsequent research, including the recent 'renaissance' of research in African economic history. The object of this forum is to discuss the significance of EHWA in relation to the changing history and historiography of West Africa, Africa, and beyond.


*The link will be sent on 4 June to members of the Global Economic History Seminar list and the African Economic History Seminar list. To subscribe, please visit either of: https://www.hist.cam.ac.uk/event-series/african-economic-history https://www.hist.cam.ac.uk/event-series/global-economic-history














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