Monday, July 31, 2023

Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - ECOWAS on the coup in Niger

The ecowas response is perfunctory, as is the u.s. no one is interested in investing military troops or money to change the situation in niger. Behind the scenes, who knows what the big powers are saying?

From: <> on behalf of Cornelius Hamelberg <>
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2023 2:27:55 PM
To: USA Africa Dialogue Series <>
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - ECOWAS on the coup in Niger

So the big men in ECOWAS want to start a new war in Africa?

Why don't they first try to put out the fire that's raging in Sudan? 

To the Big Brains in ECOWAS, listen carefully 

Putting it straight: Richard Medhurst: Niger


For both the super African and the little brains; Elementary: 

The Tragedy of White Injustice - a poem by Marcus Garvey 

And by the way, ain't it good to know that BARBADOS is now leading the fight for REPARATIONS  whilst some House Negros ( toms) who don't know what time of day it is are busy wanting to raise a posse to go and defend their Masters' interest in what they believe is his plantation where they are mining gold and uranium.

Straight from Black Skin, White Masks, the same mentality, and it's what colonialism has done to some of us: A footnote on "big brain" a much less powerful variant of "Bird Brain". He can't stop beating his chest about his professorship ( the only game in his town) and when I have a question about recent Bible Scholarship, it's time for him to tell me about his this and that learned great pastor that has a couple of PhDs in Mathematics,  implied:a Ph.D. in Mathematics should help the holder make a wise informed decision such as to pick up his cross and to follow Jesus first to his crucifiction and then, subsequently, to Heaven)  - at which point I wanted to ask him if Abraham / Moses, David, Solomon, Jeremiah, Ezra, or even his Jesus had one ( a Ph.D. in Mathematics) and if in his lifetime Jesus spoke Greek or Hebrew and if he himself had ever heard of or read Spinoza? I was on the brink of quoting the Bible to him about "filthy rags" and to add insult to injury, to add cream to the apple pie, that as far as some of us with a little learning are concerned,  by "filthy rags'' Paul probably meant some used and discarded menstrual pads, and that for the rest of us unappreciative illiterates and ignoramus, poetically speaking that apart from filthy rags the much-vaunted Professorship in question, might as well be a heap of cow dung, a dunghill….

On Monday, 31 July 2023 at 17:07:07 UTC+2 Emeagwali, Gloria (History) wrote:
Here is Eby Aka's warnings, crossposted
from my LinkedIn group:

"My warnings never fall short to be a reality.
THIS WARNING MUST BE TAKEN VERY SERIOUSLY. If you go to war in Niger you will gift Africa to terrorists and all enemies of Africa. You will open a pandora box that will consume Africa. Let us open our minds and eyes to see what is going on here.
Niger borders Libya which has today become the gate of hell with the nests of terrorism that is decimating the entire Sahel. Niger borders Mali and Burkina that are already on fire. Niger borders Northern Nigeria that is on fire with terror. Niger borders Chad which is very unstable. Let us remember that father President Idriss Debi was killed by terrorists. Chad borders Sudan that is on fire with war and terror. Chad may explode first as terrorists will see an opportunity to connect with the war in Sudan. Sudan borders 7 nations in the central eastern region of the continent including Democratic Republic of Congo. DRC is already in too much trouble. What can't ECOWAS and the African Union understand here?
They must ask themselves a million questions about why these coups are happening in West Africa. I am sure they have the answers; and millions of Africans also have the answers. And my answer is the photo I used for this post. We are in the 21st century, in 2023; and this is what we have turned our children to become. They  are enduring the greatest suffering on earth. This must stop; and it must stop now. No more war; and no more terrorism in our land.
These are my words, and I hope our leaders will hear me.
Prayers and Actions 🙏🙏
By Eby Aka "

My  prediction - which could be
wrong, of course - is that two
coups could follow, or accompany
the intervention. Chad's Mahamat 
is on very shaky ground,  given
the nature of his rise to power-
and controversial French 
machinations and endorsement
then. We don't know if the crisis
could trigger Hausa irredentism 
or solidarity in the region
given the ethnic composition 
of Niger. Bazoum of Libyan
Arab descent, to some,  could also
provoke regional sensibilities.
Whatever the case, Tinubu's 
Ecowas should think far and 
wide. Since 1,000 + US troops, 
two U.S bases and countless 
French soldiers,  armed with state of
the art equipment, could not
prevent the coup, in the first
place, we have to look at the
situation with trepidation.
Fools go where the angel
Horus fears to tread!!!

Professor Gloria Emeagwali
Prof. of History/African Studies, CCSU; gloriaemeagwali
Recipient of the 2014 Distinguished Research
Excellence Award, Univ. of Texas at Austin;
2019 Distinguished Africanist Award
New York African Studies Association

From: 'Funso Afolayan' via USA Africa Dialogue Series <>
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2023 4:34 PM
To: <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - ECOWAS on the coup in Niger

EXTERNAL EMAIL: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click any links or open any attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe.

  1. "In the event the Authority's demands are not met within one week, [ECOWAS will] take all measures necessary to restore constitutional order in the Republic of Niger. Such measures may include the use of force; To this effect, the Chiefs of defense staff of ECOWAS are to meet immediately."

    An impressive and extra-ordinary declaration by all accounts. It will be difficult to take this back or or for all these Heads of States to eat their words or may be not. If the Communique is not "fake news" or empty vituperations, then this is a declaration of war against the coup plotters. With France against the coup, the US ambivalent, and Russia entangled in its own war, and ECOWAS "committed" to fight, and ready to put its money and forces where its mouth is, there may yet be hope for the restoration of constitutional order in the Republic of Niger. This could mark a new era for ECOWAS and for the triumph of constitutional rule in West Africa. More troubled days are ahead.

    We have to wait and see.

    Funso Afolayan


On Jul 30, 2023, at 3:10 PM, Toyin Falola <> wrote:


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