Nowadays, historical revisionists do claim that Israel was created in 1948 to atone for the sins of the German Nazis committed between 1940 and 1945 against European Hebrews, often referred to derogatively as Jews. The truth is that the idea for creation of Israel preceded World War II because, already in 1917, the British Foreign Secretary, Arthur James Balfour, declared British support for the setting up of a national home for the Jews in Palestine, "provided the rights of 'existing non-Jewish Communities' in Palestine could be safeguarded." At that time, the Hebrews and Arabs in Palestine lived together in peace as neighbours. Evidence for the peaceful co-existence between Palestine Arabs and Hebrews in the 1920s can be illustrated with how a Jew, named Benzion Mileikowsky, born in Wasaw, Polland, migrated to Palestine and was welcome by his Palestinian Arab neighbours without any problem. After migrating to Palestine, Benzion changed his Jewish-Polish surname, Mileikowsky, to a Hebrew surname, Netanyahu, meaning God's gift. Ironically, Benzion Netanyahu is the father of the present day Prime Minister of Israel, Binjamin Netanyahu. That the self-appointed ruler of the universe, Britain, wanted to set up a national home for European Jews in Palestine was not because of the massacre of European Jews between 1940 and 1945 was already being anticipated in 1917 when 1st World War was on the verge of ending in favour of Britain and her allies. Although there was Zionist movement agitating for a national homeland for the Jews, nothing was done to accomplish it after the Treaty of Versailles, simply because of the large population of non-Hebrews in Palestine where the "Jewish Nation" was intended to be set up. That of course might have been the reason why Collins English Dictionary, 1994 edition, defines Israel as a Republic in SW Asia, established in 1948 on the Mediterranean Sea; of which Official Languages are Hebrew and Arabic. Therefore, the state of Israel in Palestine cannot be only for the Jews unless its Arab native residents are first reduced to second class citizens in an apartheid system of government or completely wiped out genocidally.
Arabs and Hebrews are historically related as both are anthropologically classified as members of Semite families. Biblically, Abraham, the same person the Arabs call Ibrahim, is the father of Ishmael begotten with an Arab woman named Hagar. Abraham the founder of Hebrew people also got a son, Isaac, with a Hebrew woman named Sarah (Genesis 16: 15; 21: 1 - 5). Ismael, the son of Abraham with Hagar, became the ancestor of the 12 Arabian tribes (Genesis 25: 12-18). A Black Arab man, the Priest of Midian named Reuel, helped Moses the father of Hebrew religion to rediscover God. Reuel, the Arab man, gave one of his daughters, Zipporah, to Moses as wife. Zipporah got Moses a son named Gersholm ( Exodus 2: 16-22). As Moses had forgotten the law of God concerning circumcision, Zipporah taught him how to circumcise (Exodus 4: 25). King David's grandmother, Ruth, was a Midianite from Moab, the present day Jordan (Ruth 1:1). When the Hebrews say "Shalom Aleichem" the Arabs say "Salaam Alei-Kun" while exchanging greetings with fellow mankind, both meaning, 'Peace be onto you.' The Arabs and the Hebrews lived side by side in peace until 1948 when Western Europe and USA decided to aid and abet the eviction of hundreds of thousands of Palestine Arabs from their homes in order to make room for Euro-American Jewish settlers under the pretext of atoning for the mass murders perpetrated by the Nazis against Jews in Europe between 1940 and 1945. The creation of Israel in Palestine had nothing to do with bad conscience developed by Westerners over the mass murders of the Jews in Europe but, in fact, had to do with Westerners desire to have a reliable state that was militarily strong to safeguard their oil interest and sea routes in the Middle East. If Nazis committed holocaust against the Jews in Europe, why should Westerners commit holocaust against the Arabs in Palestine to atone for the holocaust committed by Nazis in Europe against the Jews?
As if beset with one eye, Europe and the US look at holocaust and limit its occurrence only to the mass murders of the Jews by the Nazis in Europe between 1940 and 1945. Historically, there were holocausts before 1940 and 1945. According to Collins English Dictionary, Holocaust is defined as (1) Great destruction or loss of life or the source of such destruction, esp., fire. (2) Holocaust is also called: Churban, Shoah, the mass murder by the Nazis of the Jews of continental Europe between 1940 and 1945. (3) Holocaust, a rare word for burnt offering from Late Latin holocaustum, whole burnt offering, from Greek holokauston, from HOLO + kaustos, from kalein to burn. Although the Hebrew words, Churban and Shoah, would appear to have been invented to describe the mass murder of the Jews of continental Europe by the Nazis between 1940 and 1945, Churban/Hurban or Shoah came into use to describe the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, first by the Babylonians in 587 BC and again by the Romans in 70 AD. Therefore, limiting holocaust only to what happened to the Jews in Europe between 1940 and 1945 is a diplomatic lie. Dr Alfred Rosenberg was a German Nazi politician and writer, who devised much of the racial ideology of German Nazism. At Nuremberg trial of the German Nazis, Dr Alfred Rosenberg looked at the Judges from USA and Britain as well as their prosecutors and told them to their faces that the laws of nature require racially superior race to obliterate racially inferior. Unrepentantly, he reminded the presiding judges of the fate of the ''Red Indians'' in America as well as that of the aborigines in Australia and New Zealand.
We cannot just forget lessons of history when it is time for its practical use. Dr Alfred Rosenberg juxtaposed Nuremberg trial with Anglo-French National Socialists prosecuting German National Socialists. He had a good point because the mass murder of "Red Indians" in America by European settlers, as narrated by Captain John Mason in his book published in 1736, is a good example of British National Socialism. According to Captain John Mason, he came to an Indian fort early one morning with his soldiers while the Indians were still asleep. He surrounded the fort before setting it on fire. He wrote, "We must burn them, .... brought out a Fire-Brand and putting it into the Matts with which they were covered, set the Wigwam on fire ... and when it was thoroughly kindled, the Indians ran as Men most dreadfully Amazed. And indeed such a dreadful Terror did the Almighty let fall upon their Spirits, that they would fly from us and into the very Flames, where many of them perished. And when the Fort was thoroughly Fired, Command was given, that all should fall off and surround the Fort; .... The Fire was kindled on the North East Side to windward; which did swiftly over-run the Fort, to the extreme Amazement of the Enemy, and great Rejoycing of ourselves. Some of them climbing to the top of Palizado; others of them running into the very Flames; many of them gathering to windward, lay pelting at us with their Arrows; and we repaid them with our small Shot; Others of the Stoutest issued forth as we did guess, to the Number of Forty, who perished by the Sword. .... And thus in little more than one Hour's space was their impregnable Fort with themselves utterly destroyed, to the Number of Six or Seven Hundred. There were only Seven taken Captive and about Seven escaped. .... Of the English, there were two Slain outright and about twenty wounded (p. 268 - 269; A Brief History of the Pequot War by Captain John Mason, published 1736)." That was how "Red Indians," (men, women and children) were systematically barbequed by European settlers in America thinking, as Dr Alfred Rosenberg said at Nuremberg Trial of the NAZIs, in 1946, that it was natural for a superior race to obliterate an inferior race.
The obliteration of the aborigines of Tarntanya by the British National Socialists gave birth to the English settlers' town known today as Adelaide; and Meanjin was today's Brisbane; Narm was today's Melbourne; Boorloo was today's Perth; and Gadigal was today's Sydney, etc. The name for a country called Australia did not exist until 1803 when Matthew Flinders changed it from 'New Holland' to 'Terra Australis Incognita' meaning, 'Unknown Southland.' However, the British Governor of New South Wales, Lachlan Macquarie, endorsed the name AUSTRALIA to replace the name, NEW HOLLAND, in a dispatch to the Colonial Office in London, in 1817. Although the aborigines had names for their various areas, the invading British National Socialists did not recognise those names which was why the area called "MURWILLUMBAH" by the aborigines was renamed NEW SOUTH WALES. Similar obliteration of the original people of Aotearoa by the British National Socialists (NAZIs) gave a new name called New Zealand; and Tamaki Makaurau town became Auckland; Te-Whanganui-a-Tara town became Wellington; while Kirikiriroa town became Hamilton; and Õtepoti town became Dunedin; etc.
Whenever human lives around the world are being discussed in terms of willful annihilation, destruction, extinction, extermination, eradication, obliteration, genocide or holocaust, only the number of murdered Jews, commonly referred to as holocaust, by the NAZIs in Europe, has been recognized by the same elements who for centuries have persecuted and oppressed the Jews. Historical records have shown that about 60 million human lives were destroyed in World War II, of which 26 millions were Russians; 10 million Black people from Africa and America who were deployed as mine-sweepers by the military commanders of USA, Britain and France got their bodies blown into pieces; and while 6 million European Jews were said to have been systematically murdered throughout Western Europe. As if the holocausts against the Red Indians in America, against the aborigines in Australia and New Zealand, as well as destruction of lives of 26 million Russians and 10 million Black people were nothing, USA and its Western Allies always project the murder of 6 million Jews in World War II as the greatest holocaust ever perpetrated in Human History. Even if the greatest holocaust in human history was the one committed against the Jews in Nazi occupied Europe (1940-1945), should that be a license for Euro-American Jewish settlers to commit similar holocaust against the Arabs in Palestine while creating the state of Israel?
It was a well-known fact that the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, especially in the Middle East and North Africa, following the consequence of World War I, that Britain and France ascribed to themselves the power to create Kingdoms as they wished in the Middle East. Already in 1917, British forces invaded Mesopotamia and occupied Iraq to declare it a British Mandated territory. Due to Iraqi resistance, the British Colonial office, in 1921, carved out the nation of Kuwait from southern part of Iraq so as to deprive it of access to the Persian Gulf. The Kingdom of Iraq was a British creation, which was subsequently recognised as a sovereign state by the League of Nations in 1932. The carving out of the State of Kuwait from Iraq in 1921 was not the same as the carving out Israel out of Palestine in 1948 whereby Palestine Arabs were driven out of their land and homes to allow space for immigrating Euro-American Jews to settle down in Israel. Since 1948, the Palestine Arabs have been living in refugee camps and wars fought between Arabs and Israel to rectify the injustice done to the Palestine Arabs have all ended in victories for Israel whereby its UN recognised boundaries of 1948 had been extended with the approval of the USA and Western Europe. After the 1967 war, Euro-American Jewish settlers regularly organised attacks against the Palestinas in Westbank, confiscating land and cattle belonging to Palestine Arabs. On daily occasions, Arabs in Palestine are molested and dehumanised just for entertainment and the joy of it. I come to think of Ibrahim Mosque in Hebron where 800 Muslims had assembled for prayer during Ramadan on February 25, 1994. A Jewish settler from Kiryat Alba, named Baruch Goldstein, dressed up in complete Israeli military uniform, entered the Mosque, raised his automatic rifle and began to shoot. 29 Muslim prayer attendees were murdered. The world seem to have become blind to the persecution and dehumanisation of the Palestinians by the Jewish settlers since 1948 until Hamas, through their actions of October 7, 2023, sent an SOS to the world to draw attention to the inhuman conditions of life under which they have been forced to live in the past 75 years when they were forcibly ejected from their homes and land to create the State of Israel for Euro-American Jewish settlers. Following the SOS message by Hamas on October 7, 2023, the Western world in their emotional hypocrisy proclaimed Israel's right to defend herself and the Jewish settlers' country has since declared war on Westbank and Gaza strip. Hitherto, 60% of homes in Gaza, including refugee camps, have been destroyed, 85% of the population have been displaced and 32,000 unarmed children, men and women have been killed in merciless ariel bombardments from land, air and sea. When the one-sided and extremely exaggerated use of force on innocent civilians and children resulted in too much casualties, the United Nations Security Council was summoned to deliberate on the Israeli military bombardment of Gaza on Friday, December 8, 2023. Calling for immediate ceasefire, thirteen of the fifteen members voted yes, while one (US) voted no and one (UK) abstained. The US one vote of no, implied veto against the majority carried Security Council resolution. Thus, in the democratic world of psychopaths and sadists, one vote is greater than thirteen votes. (To be continued)
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