Tuesday, June 11, 2024

A Catalogue of Pan-African University Press - Part 2

A Catalogue of Pan-African University Press

Introducing some best-selling books from the collection

of Pan-African University Press.

Pioneering By Grace: An Autobiography

PIONEERING BY GRACE is more than a narrative of individual achievement but ascertain for emerging generations of professional academic and researchers to live and indelible impacts on their areas of influence. The book presents the narrative of the author's childhood from Lagos Island and his family background up to his adventure during the secondary school years and his exposure to leadership training. The first pioneering experience starting with the advance level program and he enjoyed through University of lbadan for the first degree and his return for his postgraduate also in the same university for another pioneering role were highlighted which he termed "Second Missionary Journey" the third pioneering spirit which was being among the pioneering staff of Ogun State University, now Olabisi Onabanjo University and the experience and challenges were articulated in this section of the book. The most outstanding pioneering exposure was his appointment and role as the pioneering Vice chancellor of the first University of Education in Nigeria and his experience in the emerging University, as well as his university teaching experience for forty-one years or so were highlighted. Professor Kayode Oyesiku is known as academic giant, professor of professors in Urban and Regional Planning, Transportation System Planning and Logistic Management and a household name in Urban Geography. At 66 he is known as the grandfather of spatial analysis in Nigeria.

ISBN: 978-1-943533-75-6  Ι Published 2024 Ι Pan-African University Press

Nkrumah-Ni...Africa-Ni!: A Play about Kwame Nkrumah's Conakry Years

Nigeria's Femi Osofisan (Aka Okinba Launko) is currently emeritus professor of drama and theatre at the university of Ibadan, Nigeria. A restless artist and multiple award winner, he wears many cap —as activist playwright, poet, biographer, novelist, journalist, actor, director, song writer, editor, etc. His plays have been performed in different countries all over the world and in 2016, Osofisan became the first African ever to win the international Thalia Prize.

This is the first of three plays dealing with the issue of Pan-Africanism, and the role of our brothers and sisters in the Diaspora in the agenda of black unification, total liberation, and future development. Specifically, the play focuses on the regime of Kwame Nkrumah, leader of the first African country to gain political independence from the British, in 1957 and the first African leader to consciously invite African Americans to the continent and make Accra a sort of Mecca for all liberation movements. Sadly, he was overthrown in 1966 and went to live in Conakry with Sekou Toure, the Guinean leader, for what he thought would be a brief interlude, but which in the end lasted for over six years till his death. As it says in its title, the play deals with incidents from Nkrumah's exile years in Conakry, where he met and held discussions almost daily with Sekou Toure, and Amilcar Cabral.

It was commissioned and first performed for the African Literature Association's meeting in Accra—its first ever meeting on the African soil—in 1994, then a year later with great success at Colombo (with the playwright directing jointly with Dr Neloufer del Mel), and later revived as part of the ceremonies marking Ghana's 50th independence anniversary in Accra. Anyone interested in Pan Africanism and the story of African independence especially in the early years, will gain considerably from reading or watching this play

ISBN: 978-1-943533-62-6 Ι Published 2023 Ι Pan-African University Press

On Wings of Light: Reflections on Cybernetics, Africa & the Wider World

As our world battles on from a Darkened past and an equally Dark present, a steady beam of Light persists. It is eternal and within the core Spirit of humankind. It has long sought full release; opening wide the flood-gates of Actuation, Inclusion and Life Engagement. On Wings of Light declares this time has already arrived. Sharply accelerating transfigurative effects, it contends, are due to the advent of Cybernetics; the combined operation of Electronics and Communications in our modern world. Cybernetics not only brings Great Light to illuminate age-old Corridors of Darkness; it points mankind in the direction of a bright and promising Horizon Future. In the unfolding of this future, it maintains that Africa, with its vast lands, folk, resources, root Ethic of Light and increasing prominence, will play the determining role. Exploring relevant concepts, thoughts and perceptions; this work reflects on their meaning, significance and stimulus to practical research and activity.

Professor Michael Vickers taught Political Science at the University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University) Nigeria; taught and conducted research at universities in America, Canada, and the United Kingdom; is the recipient of the Distinguished Academic Award  (2012) from the Toyin Falola Annual International Conference on Africa and the African Diaspora, (Lagos). He authored (with Ken Post) of Structure and Conflict in Nigeria, 1960-65 (London & Madison, 1973), Ethnicity and Sub-Nationalism in Nigeria (Oxford, 2000), Odes of Forest and Town, (Sussex, 2002), Phantom Trail—Discovering Ancient America, (New York, 2005), A Nation Betrayed—Nigeria and the 1957 Minorities Commission (Trenton, NJ,  2010), Phantom Ship (Trenton, NJ, 2013), and Looking Back from the Future (Forthcoming). He holds a doctorate in Political Science and West African Studies from the University of Birmingham, UK. He is Emeritus Director of Parliamentary and Public Affairs, The Hillfield Agency (UK).

ISBN: 978-1-943533-01-5   Ι   Published 2015   |   Pan-African University Press.


Divided People of God: Church Union Movement In Nigeria: 1875—1966

In 1974, when the first edition of this book was published, Dr. Ogbu Kalu (1942-2009) was a young, devout Presbyterian minister and scholar who believed that the unity of the Church of Nigeria was not only possible but necessary. Indeed, an ecumenical movement had seen a similar need for unity and predicted that this unity would occur in December of 1965. The vision was to create not multiple churches of many denominations, but rather one complete, unified church composed of Anglicans, Methodists, and Presbyterians. However, this was not to be, due to inner negotiations breaking down. Dr. Kalu thus took it upon himself to write a study about the impulses and arguments toward unity and why unity is the true intention of God. This second edition's publication honors Dr. Kalu's call to unity, and it allows the modern reader to ponder what unity means in the twenty-first century and the current Church of Nigeria.

ISBN:  978-1-943533-37-4   Ι  Published 2018  Ι  Pan-African University Press


Contemporary & Transnational Transcontinental Scholarship

This book is a multi-genre collection of critical essays, reviews, interviews, and heartfelt reflections on the life and work of the academic and creative writer, Dr. Adedoyin Aguoru, of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Aguoru's remarkable profile is defined by her transnational and transcontinental scholarship across theatrical, biographical and gender studies. The conversation on contemporary comparative transnational studies which amongst other things re-ignited Japanese studies in Africa today is clearly sustained in this book. Overall, this volume is a symposium of established and fledgling scholars, mentors and mentees, university administrators, poets, literary critics, captains of industries, diplomats, and an array of personalities representative of Aguoru's circle of influence and network. This book brings them together in celebration of the golden birthday of a complex intellectual and humanist whose evolving career is as intriguing as it is promising.

ISBN: 978-1-943533-63-3 Ι Published 2023 Ι Pan-African University Press


A Nightingale for Dr Dubois

Nigeria's Femi Osofisan (aka Okinba Launko) is currently emeritus professor of drama and theatre at the university of Ibadan, Nigeria. A restless artist and multiple award winner, he wears many caps—as activist playwright, poet, biographer, novelist, journalist, actor, director, song writer, editor, etc. His plays have been performed in different countries all over the world and in 2016, Osofisan became the first African ever to win the international Thalia Prize. This is the second play in Osofisan's Africa and the Diaspora Series, after Nkrumah-ni…Africa-ni! : Nkrumah's Exile Years in Conakry. Commissioned by the WEB DuBois Memorial Centre in Accra, and first performed in 1997, the play deals with the last days of the great Dr DuBois' sojourn in Accra, just before he died—a period that is not much written about. The play has since been produced in other cities, including Ibadan, Nigeria, and Carbondale, USA.

ISBN: 978-1-943533-61-9 Ι Published 2023 Ι Pan-African University Press



Nigeria's Femi Osofisan (aka Okinba Launko) is currently emeritus professor of drama and theatre at the university of Ibadan, Nigeria. A restless artist and multiple award winner, he wears many caps—as activist playwright, poet, biographer, novelist, journalist, actor, director, song writer, editor, etc. His plays have been performed in different countries all over the world and in 2016, Osofisan became the first African ever to win the international Thalia Prize. This the third and most recent play in Osofisan's Africa and the Diaspora Series. Although called Canoes, for short, its full title is actually, Not All Canoes Come Sailing Maya, Maryse and Efua in Nkrumah's Ghana. It is essentially a re-enactment of a fictitious meeting between these three women—Maya Angelou, Maryse Condé, and Efua Sutherland –at Efua's Drama Studio in Accra, on the day that Dr Danquah died. Sponsored by the Camargo Foundation in France, the play has so far been performed at the Playwrights Centre in Minneapolis, the NYU's Tisch School, the Kennedy Centre in Washington DC, and at the National Theatre in Accra. It explores the potential role of women in the grand liberation of the African continent and the whole of the black world, especially after the male initiatives crumble

ISBN: 978-1-943533-60-2 Ι Published 2023 Ι Pan-African University Press


The Unending Quest for Reform: An Intellectual Memoir

In this book, Tunji Olaopa fills a critical gap in public administration history in Nigeria with the insertion of a personal narrative in the formal historical trajectory of public administration and public service. Personal narratives-biographies, autobiographies and memoirs serve a significant purpose in enlivening and humanizing the role that public administration and administrators play in the transformation of the discourse and practice of making Nigeria a better country. In this memoir, Olaopa ties his personal and professional maturation together into a seamless story of a young Abwa boy making it to the Presidency in Abuja, and building a governance and institutional reform portfolio and philosophy that speak to the yearning of a professional and patrict intent on transforming the policy architecture and institutional structuration of the Nigerian state. This memoir, therefore, has an intergenerational objective it is the past speaking to the future about why Nigeria must be great

ISBN: 978-1-943533-59-6 Ι Published 2023 Ι Pan-African University Press


The Yoruba Nation and Politics since the Nineteenth Century:

Essays in Honor of Professor J.A. Atanda

This book honors the memory of the late Professor J. A. Atanda for his contributions to Yoruba scholarship and society. The book covers a wide range of topics discussing the Yoruba people of West Africa, exploring various themes on their cultural backgrounds, history, and institutions. The editors are both historians: Toyin Falola teaches at the University of Texas at Austin and Professor Dipo Olubomehin has served as the Head of Department and Dean, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Nigeria.

ISBN: 978-1-943533-50-3 Ι Published 2023 Ι Pan-African University Press


Selected Works of Chief Isaac O. Delano On Yoruba Language

This book provides four of the major language-related works of Chief Isaac Oluwole Delano. They constitute the masterpiece of his pivotal contribution to the Yoruba language and, in a way, to its literature, a feat that places Delano over and above his contemporaries in the pioneering efforts of intellection on the broad field of Yoruba studies. With this anthology, comprising of four books, A Modern Yoruba Grammar; Agbeka Oro Yoruba: Appropriate words and expressions in Yoruba; Conversation in Yoruba and English; and Atumo Ede Yoruba, we showcase and bring to the close range of students, teachers, scholars and other beneficiaries of Yoruba, a lifetime achievement of a mega-lover of the Yoruba language, culture and literature. This document, in excess of 900 pages, is a valuable "mobile library" so much needed in an age when indigenous knowledge bases are endangered and the potential beneficiaries of such knowledges are the first to run away from them.

ISBN: 978-1-943533-47-3 Ι Published 2020 Ι Pan-African University Press


A Dictionary of Yoruba Monosyllabic Verbs

The ingenious assemblage of A Dictionary of Yoruba Monosyllabic Verbs is chief among Chief Isaac Oluwole Delano's contributions to the lexicography of the language. The laborious effort of documenting and entering the unique lexical items into a single voluminous text for the Institute of African Studies of the then University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University) in Ile-Ife is a historical undertaking. No one before or even after Delano has attempted a dictionary of this magnitude, let alone of the Yoruba monosyllabic verbs. Reprinting this seminal work is an attempt to invoke the magnanimous memory of this giant lover of the language and it is our way of honoring the fortieth anniversary of his death. Chief Delano, who passed away on December 15, 1979, left a treasure trove of unforgettable works on the Yoruba language and literature. The current dictionary constitutes the most ambitious and arguably most voluminous of a single work in the Yoruba language. This dictionary is time-tested and has constituted a quintessential legacy that will always pass the test of time.

Isaac Delano's "A Dictionary of Yoruba Monosyllabic Verbs" comes across to people like me as a surprise, "a bolt from the blues," as they say. I am aware that references are made, occasionally, to the dictionary in passing, but never did many of my generation set our eyes on a copy to appreciate the magnitude of its worth as a goldmine for all lovers, scholars and students of the Yoruba language and of the culture that foregrounds it. It is also mindboggling the extent to which the author's patriotism and dedication to advancing the cause of the Yoruba language and culture could have motivated him to have embarked on such a noble task of producing the Dictionary to assist students, so early in the life of this country, and more significantly, without any funding support that researchers and scholars enjoy today. It is much more curious that a great work like that had been gathering dust for decades unattended to! It is a great relief, and no doubt, spirit-lifting that Professors Toyin Falola and Michael O. Afolayan, two of a kind, to have made the Dictionary accessible to the reading public. It is a must read to all scholars and students of Yoruba language and culture.

ISBN: 978-1-943533-46-6 Ι Published 2020 Ι Pan-African University Press


These books are available at bookstores or various institutions' libraries across Nigeria. You can also contact us on how to bring your publishable texts on board.

For pickups, please reach the Press via:

EMAIL: info@panafricanuniversitypress.com

PHONE: Lola +234 814-216-1095

OR Adebayo +234 810-726-2267

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