Hi Oloye:
It is save to assume there will be no Miliki or Ariya for you
this weekend wherever you reside except it is for another
event that is not related to the 50th Anniversary of Nigeria's
Why do individuals or family members celebrate the birthdays
of members of their families, their friends and co workers etc.?
Is it only for what they achieved or could it also be just an acknowleledgemt
with thanks to the Almighty God that the individuals being celebrated
were ever born and that they are still alive and kicking even if they
have not achieved anything?
I believe strongly that we have every reason to celebrate Nigeria's Independence Annivesary
regardless of our disappointment that we are not where we should be as a nation
in 2010!
Not everything in Nigeria is as gloomy as it is portrayed in our listservs and in other media.
I spent at least 45 minutes looking at Nigeria on Google Earth 3D yesterday. My brother Oloye,
we do have some things to celebrate in Nigeria, while recognizing that we need to
work harder to make things better for the next 50 years!
Hurray! Hurray!! Hurray!!! for Nigeria and Nigerians this weekend.
Saturday October 2nd, 2010 is the day that has been designated by the officials of the Nigerian Canadian
Association as the day to paint the tcity green ad white and Miliki in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Let is have a good time at home in Nigeria and wherever in the world we may be.
The party poopers can stay home and sulk:)
---- Original Message ----
From: Sam Awo <samawo@yahoo.com>
To: NaijaObserver@yahoogroups.com; USAAfrica Dialogue <USAAfricaDialogue@googlegroups.com>; NaijaPolitics@yahoogroups.com; naijaintellects <naijaintellects@googlegroups.com>; NIDOA <NIDOA@yahoogroups.com>; ekiti ekitigroups <ekitipanupo@yahoogroups.com>; NigerianWorldForum <NIgerianWorldForum@yahoogroups.com>; Naija Elections <naijaelections@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Thu, Sep 30, 2010 9:56 am
Subject: [NaijaObserver] Re: [NaijaPolitics] Re: NigerianMuse.Com's "Fifty Plus Fifty at Nigeria's Fiftieth" List of Distinguished Nigerians
-- From: Sam Awo <samawo@yahoo.com>
To: NaijaObserver@yahoogroups.com; USAAfrica Dialogue <USAAfricaDialogue@googlegroups.com>; NaijaPolitics@yahoogroups.com; naijaintellects <naijaintellects@googlegroups.com>; NIDOA <NIDOA@yahoogroups.com>; ekiti ekitigroups <ekitipanupo@yahoogroups.com>; NigerianWorldForum <NIgerianWorldForum@yahoogroups.com>; Naija Elections <naijaelections@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Thu, Sep 30, 2010 9:56 am
Subject: [NaijaObserver] Re: [NaijaPolitics] Re: NigerianMuse.Com's "Fifty Plus Fifty at Nigeria's Fiftieth" List of Distinguished Nigerians
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