Monday, January 10, 2011


                                               WHAT DOES MUHAMMADU BUHARI STAND FOR?



                                                                                 Toyin Adepoju

John Danfulani, a political soldier in the camp of General  Muhammadu Buhari who became President of Nigeria in 1983 by stealing power through a  coup, musters arguments in favour of Buhari's returning to rule Nigeria, using arguments that demonstrate a supreme ignorance of democratic  values, of history and  of   the developmental process represented by the growth of a democratic culture.

Danfulani makes these arguments in his rejoinder to Soyinka's critique of Buhari titled  "The Nigerian Nation Against General Buhari"detailing  acts demonstrating the dictatorial nature of Buhari's  government.

Danfulani argues that Wole Soyinka, one of the most illustrious Nigerians, the only  Nigerian Nobel Laurete-Literature 1986, one of the greatest African writers and world writers, activist active  in in Nigerian  politics since the build up to the Nigerian Civil War in the 1960s, is a lunatic because  of Soyinka's  critique  of Buhari. Danfulani titles his piece, presented on the Yahoo group Dandalin Sinyasya, "ANOTHER INSTANCE OF LAUREATE'S LUNATISM".  I am shocked at the culture of argument through an effort to dehumanize others that Danfulani  represents but I  want to focus on the ridiculous character of his arguments in favor of Buhari.

After reading   my response pointing out of the ridiculous character of Danfulani's argument,one is better positioned  to  decide who is more mentally sound,Soyinka, or Danfulani, Danfulani, a man who scores a goal against his own  side by presenting Buhari as a puppet,unaccountable for his own  actions and generally irresponsible,a person who can manage nothing, talk less of an entire nation.

Such a perspective from a Buhari's supporter  leads one to wonder what Buhari stands for. A resurgence of military dictatorship  in civilian clothing? Does Buhari understand the rudiments not to talk of the more refined aspects of democracy? With supporters like Dan Fulani arguing in support of a military dictatorship in the form of a civilian Buhari government,should Buhari be allowed to come anywhere the centre of power in Nigeria?

On Buhari's Responsibility for the Dictatorship He Ran as President of Nigeria

Danfulani agrees that  "Gen Muhammadu Buhari headed a crew of cabal that liquidated Shehu Shagari's regime on 31st December 1983. Of course, the Peoples General was Chief of Supreme Military Council that marched many politicians to the gulags, enacted decree No 2 that quarantined freedom of speech" running the country in a manner that brooked no dissent but ran on fear.

Danfulani goes on to argue that Buhari cannot he held solely responsible for that dictatorship because he was only the head of the ruling body, the Supreme Military Council and that Gen. Tunde Idiagbon,Domakt Bali and the now infamous Sani Abacha and  Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida were the kingpins in the regime:

". But were... wrongdoings perpetrated and sanctioned by the General as an individual or by a body of junta that lead Nigeria under the period? Were the draconian decrees singlehandedly promulgated by him or the entire ruling Supreme Military Council? Is...all that transpired [not] a collective decision of the whole bunch that constituted the then Supreme Military Council? Who were kingpins of the "evil" regime? Gen. Tunde Idiagbon, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, Sani Abacha,  and  Domkat Bali."

I cant help laughing at this sad argument.Is Danfulani trying to absolve Gen Muhammadu Buhari, the then Chief of the Supreme Military Council,the man at the head of government in Nigeria at the time,of responsibility for the actions of the ruling body he headed? Is Buhari then,not accountable for the actions of the body he was head of? 

If he is not accountable,what business does he have seeking to become President of Nigeria again?

What a horrible argument.It would take some doing to find a worse argument to defend Buhari.Buhari's  place in Nigerian history is defined by those very dictatorial initiatives,understood as demonstrating his own  understanding of how to run the country.As head of the central ruling body of Nigeria,the character and style of rulership of that body necessarily bears his stamp, unless he was a puppet.

Is Danfulani stating that BUHARI WAS A   PUPPET at the hands of Idiagbon,Abacha,Bali and Babangida?

Can we argue that he was wholly or  partly a puppet and that was why Babangida overthrew him through another coup?

 If so,Buhari has no place running for office for anything,not to talk of the Nigerian Presidency.

If he was not a puppet,we agree then,that he was guilty of masterminding a violent, anti-democratic   assault on the rights of Nigerians to choose their own  leaders through elections and so has no place trying to manage a democratic  system.He should either be tried for the treason of   coup plotting or allowed to go home and leave the country alone. 

On Buhari's Responsibility for the  Coup the Made Him President of Nigeria

Danfulani goes further to present Buhari as not accountable for  his own  actions by arguing that he was not alone in planning  and executing  the coup through which he  came to power:

"coups are collective conspiracies by a collective, not an individualistic power adventures. If this truth is self evident; why placing the burden of uprooting a regime and "crimes" committed thereof, on the head of an individual- instead of the gamut of the characters that played roles in ousting the regime? 

Must we also school the old Prof [Soyinka] that coup making is not purely a military affair? The secret hands of civilians especially the disgruntled power hunter has been found, severally, in coup plots". 

Again,Danfulani suggests  that Buhari should be seen as at best a figure head in the coup through which he came to power.How else are we to take his argument that since a coup is a collective action and civilians may also be involved,that the leader of the coup,the man who headed the government established through that coup,General Muhammadu  Buhari, should not be held primarily accountable for that violent capture of power? If the head of government is not centrally responsible, who is? Why was he the head then? Or is Danfulani trying to show us that Buhari cannot be held responsible for the ACTIONS  that DEFINED A GOVERNMENT of which he was the leader? Is Danfulani arguing that the head of a government does not represent, does not stand for his government? Why is he the head of government then?

If Buhari is not primarily accountable for his actions as head of the government formed through the coup that brought him to power,if he is not primarily responsible for the fact that he became  President through a violent seizure of power,then why should he be  considered responsible  enough to lead Nigeria? A man whose so called leadership makes him responsible for nothing,not to talk of the actions of VIOLENT SEIZURE OF POWER AND DICTATORSHIP that DEFINED HIS GOVERNMENT.

If Buhari is to be held responsible for coming to power through violence and for the dictatorship  he ran,we need to ask ourselves,can a former coup plotter and dictator  make a good democrat? Has he then and since shown an understanding  of and commitment to democracy? Do his campaign promises go beyond a  promise to discipline  Nigerians as if they were soldiers in a barracks? Does he know how to create consensus,which is at the heart of democracy,not a barracks like conformity? Shall Nigerians be safe under such a military style culture which does not understand the relationship between freedom,the rule of law and the development  of a democratic nation?

Danfulani then proceeds to argue that when Buhari came to power through a coup in 1983,violent seizure of power was not an aberration all over the world:

"were coups, revolutions and other violent avenues of liquidating governments an aberration way back 1983?  The now laid to rest Cold War was at its height and the means acquiring power was quadratic in nature".

Really laughable. In the 20th century? Is Danfulani living in prehistoric times? For at least the last 100 years,coups are best understood as demonstrations of national instability. They demonstrate an inability to elect a government through a consensual and peaceful manner,ideally,based on a comparative examination by the electorate  of the relative qualities of the various parties seeking power.Through such a method, the electorate is empowered to choose its own leaders based on their perceived performance in office.Its an ideal but one far superior to brute seizure of power based on nothing but the creation of fear through the fear of death by being shot.

To state or suggest that Buhari should not be described as demonstrating anti-democratic  credentials because the coup he led and which made him President was a legitimate method of forming a government  in 1983 suggests that Danfulani might have just arrived from the stone age.

On the Attitude of Nigeria and the International Community to the Legitimacy or Illegitimacy of Coups  as  a Means of Gaining Leadership of a Nation and on Attitudes to Crimes Committed by Heads of State

Danfulani goes further to make the equally laughable argument that because Nigeria was not expelled  from international bodies like the UN after the Buhari coup, and Buhari and his fellow conspirators in dictatorial attacks on human rights were not charged of crimes by the Nigerian and the international community,therefore "Everybody, including International Human Rights Commission understood the exigencies of the time and are not making a case out of it, except[Soyinka], the last defender of human rights standing"

It is difficult to construct a more foolish  argument in support of Buhari. How many Nigerian heads of state have been charged for anything,in spite of the explicit and implicit abuse of power they demonstrate? None. Abacha's  family was held for monies he stole only because Abacha  died.Babangida has never been   charged because he is alive.Babangida has never been   charged to answer for the assassination of Dele Giwa in which  his aide Halilu Akilu  and the then director of military intelligence,Tunde Togun, are implicated by association,at the very least,in spite of the best efforts of the lawyer Gani Fawehimi..In spite of the culture of political assassinations with  which the PDP was associated when Obasanjo was leader of Nigeria  as a member of that party,and the actions of  Obasanjo himself and allegations against him,he has not been charged for anything.

Due to the culture of fear  and intimidation created by such violence  as the culture of coups,Nigerian heads of state  are not charged for crimes they committed while in office.

To argue, as Danfulani does, that the fact that Buhari was not charged by Nigeria for his crimes against the nation  indicates support for those crimes, is  at best sheer hypocrisy,at worst  absolute delusion.

Does Buhari represent such self serving but obviously delusional fantasies and efforts to distort history?

The failure of the international community to sanction any Nigerian government for coming to power through a coup demonstrates the character  of the Western powers and their satellites as  largely  neo-imperialist  bodies whose interest in Nigeria is primarily what they can get from it. Meanwhile,while the country has been run largely through coups,the multinationals continue to run the the central industry in Nigeria,Nigeria's  oil industry. As long such gains  are flowing to the West,as far as they are concerned,anybody can be in power.

Is Buhari to be identified with such ignorant interpretation of international affairs? I cant help laughing.Is  Buhari advised by characters like Danfulani who seem to live in a mental village? May such an abomination cease to  be the fate of my country,Nigeria.

On Buhari's Contempt for the Oputa Panel Judgement  Process 

Danfulani goes on to further demonstrate sheer confusion about and disdain for the public mind,the public mind at the heart of democracy, central to democracy through his defense of Buhari's failure to attend the Oputa panel convened  to address questions of abuses in the course of Nigerian history. Danfulani states that Buhari was wise not to attend the panel because the panel was stage managed to manipulate Nigerians in the interests of Obasanjo's government which was then in power and that the failure to prosecute people based on the panel's findings demonstrates  its ineffectuality.He argues that what he understands as the failure of the similar but superior South African Truth and Reconciliation Committee underscores the futility of the weaker version represented by the Oputa Panel.

Why did Buhari not show up at the Oputa Panel panel and make a case for its inadequacy and short comings? In spite of his culpability in the hyper dictatorial  and assassination laden regime of Sani Abacha,as Abacha's reportedly very powerful ADC, Colonel Mustapha   is known for presenting his case at the Oputa  Panel with a degree of self respect and courage. Whatever one may say about him,he cannot be accused of being coward or of not facing up to accusations  against him. Granted,he was forced to attend since he was in prison while Buhri could choose not to attend beceause  he was  a free man and could not be compelled to attend.Buhari's non attendance at the panel  has permanently marked him as  displaying contempt for  an effort at openly addressing  lingering problems in Nigeria and no excuse will turn back the clock against him on that score. You cannot critique or improve  a democratic arrangement  by flouting it as Buhari did by toppling a government through a coup and his decision not to appear the Oputa panel.If Buhari  had appeared  and made a case against the  value of the process represented by the panel, the substance of his case,and perhaps, his sense of self determination,courage and critical acumen would have been be remembered.Instead he kept away in silent ignoring of a  process of national accounting initiated by the then President.

Is that the kind of character who is now touted as being able run a democratic nation?

The issue is laughable to say the least.

What is Buharism,Visionless or Visionary?

Danfulani concludes:

 "Buharism is a political philosophy working hard to find its place in the world political lexicon. He might or might not have the chance to put into practice his thoughts, but we take solace on the fact that, he has disciples who will keep the flame burning until the end of ages.

Hope this round of laureate lunatism is Kongi's[Soyinka's] swan song".

What is the content,the vision,the goals and methods of this so called Buharism? Is it a vision of not not being accountable for one's actions,of contempt  for democratic r processes,of a shameful ignorance of history and international affairs,of using violence,verbal or otherwise on people  who  disagree with you,a culture of vilence in which power is to be gained and kept by any means,including violence? 

Has Danfulani demonstrated ANYTHING that represents a  VISION FOR NIGERIA in his  defense of Buhari? 

Do Danfulani's shallow, ridiculous and self defeating arguments and ignorance of history represent what Buhari and his supporters  stand for? Is that the essence of what Danfulani calls Buharism?

I cant help laughing at this amateur but fanatical  effort at politics.Is this Buharism?

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