Monday, May 30, 2011

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: [camnetwork] Soc./Edtr:After Ghadaffi - Africa Divided

Let the African ignoramuses celebrate the folly of their servitude.
Where is the NATO bomb falling in Yemen, Bahrain and Syria? The self-interest is not missed.
Africans must be smoking some very strange stuff to think bombing Libya and removing Gaddafi by any means necessary has a thing to do with democracy. This is all about getting even with a thorn in the flesh;  an African leader who pointed out that Africa does not need to depend on the West and has been adamant that Western nations should not have controlling shares in the African Development Bank.
As this article rightly points out, Gaddafi fought the Europeans when they came up with the Mediterranean polity. He ordered the change of school books, which reflected Libyans as Africans. This enraged the Europeans and the Gulf Arabs.
Libya is a country that offers its citizens a quality of life that low-income people in most of the Western nations do not get - free health care, free education up to PhD. 
Gaddafi scoffed at African kleptocrats who beg for aid and become beholden to Western donors. This enraged the African looters who are compromised.
France, in a style befitting a Napoleonic conquest, went to Ivory Coast, commandeered the airport and facilitated the capture of a leader in a conflict. African leaders clapped for the arrival of deliverance. Meanwhile, thousands of Africans died and not an outcry from UN guardians of civilians?
Russia went to the G8 Sumit. They promised to facilitate Russia's entry to the WTO. Russia changed and start chanting Gaddafi must go.
Gaddafi sponsored the liberation of South Africa.  When Mandela came out of jail and visited Gaddafi, the West and its press went loose. A big head line in Washington Times read: "Mandela  calls Gaddafi Dear Brother."
Sure, the so-called African opinion holders on Yahoo were nowhere to do a thing. I DID and my rebuttal was published in the same Washington Times.
It is not difficult to understand why Africans sold other blacks to slavery and were subsequently colonized. Nothing much has changed: A hapless, third world people moved by expediencies. 
Well, that's how the powers that be see it and act on it with impunity.
In a message dated 5/30/2011 5:09:53 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Muammar Ghadaffi fought the Europeans and the West over creation of the "Union for the Meditteranean(UfM)", an organization which essentially drew energy-rich North Africa into a strategic partnership with Europe.... Ghadaffi argued that this was bad politics for the African continent and the African Union to be divided against herself.

Now that they have bombed Muammar into submission, Europe and the West are moving ahead with expanding the role and reach of the is ALWAYS about interests...

Europe has invested about One trillion dollars into renewable energy projects into North Africa   ...and they now have a Moroccan face to the organization!

Le Canard Enchaîné

"Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. It is the only thing that ever has" - Margaret Mead

"One unerring mark of the love of truth is NOT entertaining any proposition with greater assurance than the proofs it is built upon will warrant"- John Locke (1690)

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