Wednesday, August 31, 2011

USA Africa Dialogue Series - polio eradication research opportunity




UNICEF, in collaboration with the Global Polio Eradication Partnerships (GPEI), invites interested institutions, teams or individuals to submit proposals to conduct social research focusing on health communication to support polio eradication in Angola, Chad, DRC, Nigeria or Pakistan. Successful proposals will demonstrate the capacity of the bidder to complete the research, along with a clear research thesis, methodologies appropriate for the research, an outline of in-country partnerships and time lines that will produce results applicable to improving communication efforts for polio eradication in the next 18 to 24 months. Proposals that link polio communication research to broader issues in child health are encouraged. Proposals should adhere to the standards outlined in the proposal submission guidelines available at : (, and be submitted by 1 September 2011.

Categories for potential research include:

Health provider / client interactions:  research that examines the dynamics and quality of individual or community relationships with health workers and health services. 

Social and community health issues: research that explores mechanisms for community participation;  that helps to identify, document, describe or understand the social determinants of underserved or marginalized groups, or outlines methods to remove social barriers to access as well as increasing individual and community demand for polio vaccine, including social network analysis.

Risk perceptions: research that helps understand individual and/or community perceptions of the risk of polio and other vaccine preventable diseases, and how that compares to perceptions of other risks faced in the context of their social, political and economic realities. Such research could help identify possible triggers or motivations for taking action on immunization.


Gender: research to better understand the gender dimensions of identified high risk communities for polio, to describe how gender roles influence household decision-making around immunization and other protective health behaviours. Of particular interest will be how gender roles influence and construct decision making within the home and within community networks to better inform the design of communication interventions.

New technology: research in the areas of innovative use of new media, such as social networking, or innovative applications of other technologies such as SMS or GPS to promote polio immunization.

Integration: research that highlights opportunities, challenges or strategies to link polio eradication communication to other areas of child survival and development, such as routine immunization or sanitation, for the mutual benefit of all concerned programmes.

Media / messaging: research that focuses on more traditional forms of public health promotion, including formative studies that link community sentiment / knowledge to media messaging and use.

Efficacy studies: research that helps demonstrate what communication strategies or activities work in increasing demand for immunization, community ownership and participation in health services through active health seeking behaviors.

Lessons learned: any research that documents and demonstrate best practices, including capturing aspects of successful micro initiatives or through more comprehensive meta-analyses.

Additional research proposals that do not fit into the above categories are welcome, but should be focused on social aspects of health promotion for polio eradication.

Please pass this announcement along to any individuals or institutions you feel would be interested in this research opportunity.




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Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: You are missing the Point on Nigeria - rejects regime offer to talk

jaye's point is well taken, and i am in perfect agreement.
but it is also necessary i think for us to keep our minds open enough not only to understand the excesses, but to condemn them.
this is what colette braeckman does in her blog. there is nothing really new in what she says here, but it contains all the pieces we've seen published inthe past couple of weeks indicating circumstances under which black africans, libyan or sub-saharan, are suffering an atrocious fate in libya now. the rebels are blamed, and this leaves out other reports that indite ghaddafi. i would cite the most convincing reports of mercenaries including tourags recruited into his armed forces. and of course "black" is a relative color in the sahara.
here is braeckman's report (my apologies to those who can't read french)

La Libye, un enfer pour les Africains noirs

Catégorie actualité

Il ne fait pas bon avoir la peau noire dans la Libye d'aujourd'hui. Venant d'Amnesty International, de Human Rights Watch, de Médecins sans frontières, du CICR,  témoignages et appels se multiplient : à Tripoli, selon MSF, des centaines de migrants, pour la plupart originaires d'Afrique noire, du Soudan et de Somalie entre autres, vivent dans la terreur, sans sécurité ni soins médicaux. Un millier d'entre eux se cachent sur des bateau, dans une base militaire abandonnée, 200 autres ont cherché refuge dans une ferme depuis que les combats font rage au sud de la capitale. Tous refusent de quitter ces camps de fortune, craignant d'être harcelés, battus ou tués. Pour sa part, une délégation d'Amnesty, qui visitait les hôpitaux de Tripoli, a vu des « thuwwar » (rebelles) frapper des malades noirs, extraire de son lit un patient noir et l'arrêter. Ces hommes à la peau foncée ne sont pas tous des migrants venus d'Afrique sub saharienne, beaucoup sont des nationaux originaires, entre autres de la ville de Tawargha, à l'ouest du pays, une région où vivent de nombreux Libyens noirs. Visitant  les centres de détention de Tripoli et al Zawiya, Amnesty a constaté qu'un tiers des détenus étaient originaires d'Afrique noire et dans un quartier pauvre de la capitale, un groupe d'Erythréens terrorisés a été découvert. Ils ont déclaré qu'ils se cachaient, craignant faire l'objet d'agressions violentes. Comme pour confirmer ces craintes, des journalistes britanniques (the Guardian, the Independent) ont découvert une trentaine de corps en décomposition, des Africains noirs qui avaient été tués dans un hôpital de fortune alors qu'ils gisaient sur des brancards ou se trouvaient dans une ambulance.

Même si le Conseil national de transition a diffusé des consignes incitant au respect du droit international, sur le terrain, les combattants rebelles pourchassent les Africains noirs, persuadés qu'il s'agît de mercenaires à la solde de Kadhafi. Une rumeur démentie par Peter Bouckaert, de Human Rights Watch, qui assure n'avoir rencontré aucun mercenaire africain sur le terrain.

En fait, les insurgés ne se contentent pas de traquer les membres d'une éventuelle « cinquième colonne » d'origine africaine : le New York Times décèle dans leurs propos des « accents racistes » et rappelle qu'à Misrata, certains slogans promettaient de « purger le pays de ses esclaves à peau noire » tandis qu'un graffiti traitait même Kadhafi de… « juif démoniaque ».

En plus du racisme anti-noir, que l'on retrouve en Egypte et dans d'autres pays arabes, l'attitude des rebelles s'explique aussi par le fait que sous Kadhafi, la Libye employait plus de deux millions de travailleurs d'origine africaine. Ces derniers occupaient les emplois subalternes souvent dédaignés par les Libyens de souche qui méprisaient ces « soutiers » de leur économie qui avaient cependant accès, eux aussi, aux soins médicaux et à des logements décents.

On 8/31/11 8:22 PM, Jaye Gaskia wrote:
And not just about whether any country has the right to bomb other countries, or about whether any ruler has the right to slaugther his own people, but also about whether any people have a right to change their leader, even if such a leader were to be a saint?
In Egypt prior to and in the aftermath of the revolution, there were isolated incidences of mob targetting of minority Christians; was this anything other than the manifestation of some of the complex realities predating the revolution, and which the revolution was gropping to deal with?
Were there paid soldiers of fortune in the service of the Gadaffi dictatorship? Do they come from different nationality backgrounds, including Nigeria and yes ofcourse Tunisia, as well as others? Would this reality trigger the anger of some in the revolution? It is to be expected that it will. Is it proven that it is a widespread policy of the uprising to brutalise such people? Nothing that we know of leads us to believ that it is a standing principle of the uprising. Were some of these mercenaries treated qualitatively different as a matter of routine and policy from other pro-Gadaffi loyalists including Libyan loyalists?
The humdreds of thousands of ordinary Libyans who have defied a brutal dictator and dared to fight and unseat him, are they superhumans, saints, refined, without the prejudices of other human beings? Is it not in the process of the revolution, that this refinement is best assured of taking place? Otherwise why the revolution in the first place if people enter the revolution, and pass through it unchanged?
Are we to suppose that everytime NATO or a military power intervenes/moves to interven in any popular upheaval where a people are trying to unseat their rulers; that such a people should then cease their uprising and join their hated ruler to oppose imperialism?
Reality is infintely more complex than this simple reductions, and revolutionary reality even more so.
Jaye Gaskia

From: kenneth harrow <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 7:03 PM
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: You are missing the Point on Nigeria - rejects regime offer to talk

oh, i thought it was also about, does any ruler in the world have the right to slaughter his own people? why do you ignore that question?
not slavery, not colonialism, but good old brutal authoritarian dictatorship

On 8/31/11 9:29 AM, wrote:
You are missing the point and reducing it to political expediencies and horse trading. IT IS ABOUT PRINCIPLE. Do Western nations have the right to bomb any African country and compel regime change? How do they choose and pick their victims?
That is the salient point, not which monkey ate whose banana - as you have watered it down.
Is this not the same mental disposition that rationalized slavery and colonialism? In this day and age, can Africans not master their own evolutions? Why is there no hue and cry over Egypt and Tunisia? It debunks your anchor on loving dictators. Your simplistic views, couched on politicking,  are far removed from those who are sticking to the principles of it - nothing more, nothing less.
Now that Nigerians are massacred by the same regime that the Nigerian government dashed to embrace, what has the necessity of humanity - if not fairness, got to do with the headquarters of AU today or tomorrow? Can you imagine any self-respecting president and independent government playing the expedient FOOL  INCARNATE like this?  Where is the moral spine  - even if his politics feeds on opportunistic windfalls?
In a message dated 8/31/2011 1:38:24 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
Dear All,
Can we stop being sentimental and address the facts !!!
I will want everyone who does not understand why Jonathan/Nigeria recognized the New Libyan Govt. to have a rethink and get wiser. Gaddafi had been trying to subvert Nigeria because Nigeria is the only country strong enough to refuse his attempts to bribe AU members into allowing him to move AU headquarters to Tripoli and thereafter become the life President of AU.  African Countries supporting Gaddafi are led by leaders who hate democracy and want to stay-tight in office. These "African Heads of State" hate Nigeria and are jealous of the strong position Nigeria occupies in Africa. The are jealous of Nigeria's Manpower, Economic and Numerical strength/endowment. So there has always been this political gang-up against Nigeria by countries like SA, Zimbabwe, Ghana etc who will jump at the slightest excuse to insult and attack Nigeria. All of a sudden they are biting the finger that fed them, especially South Africa. What gave South Africa and Ghana the guts to attack Nigeria ? How much money did Gaddafi throw at them ?  Have you guys considered how many lives Gaddafi wasted just to stay in office all these years. How can some body who claims to be the President of a nation direct Tanks, Rockets and missiles at his people just because the told him that he has over stayed in office (42years)?
Gaddafi is a Maniac and must not be allowed to mislead other African nations and turn them into
Fellow Sit-tight Presidents. Of course one can understand why the President of South Africa will always support Gaddafi - they are birds of the same feather : they are paedophiles and known to have  constantly raped girls young enough to be their daughters. President Zuma raped a HIV/AIDS victim and the South African political class exonerated him from blame and that was the day South Africa began sliding away from the Truth. So with a Maniac like Zuma calling the shots in SA , what does one expect. Do not be surprised that is South Africa were to face a Revolution, Zuma will direct his Tanks, Rockets, Missiles and Bullets  on innocent civilians for demonstrating or complaining .
------Original Message------
From: Abraham Madu
To: Marilyn Jones
Subject: [NIgerianWorldForum] NATO   rejects regime offer to talk
Sent: Aug 28, 2011 2:40 PM

  From: Abraham Madu <> To: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <> Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2011 8:39 AM Subject: [IgboEvents:Live] NATO rebels reject regime offer to talk   From: Abraham Madu <> To: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; Marilyn Jones <>; "" <>; Johnson Anyadike <>; "" <> Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2011 8:37 AM Subject: [NIgerianWorldForum] Libya rebels reject regime offer to talk   . "Earlier this week, eight injured men were abandoned in a bombed out fire house in the Abu Salim neighborhood, some pleading for water, but residents and rebels made no effort to help them." by AP Associated Press. NATO bombed this particular fire house in the Abu Salim neighborhood,an act of barbarism! A.A.Madu From: "" <> To:;;;;; Cc:;;; Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2011 8:27 AM Subject: Re: [NIgerianWorldForum] Libya rebels reject regime offer to talk   You must be in another zone of delusion to still grant a fig of credibility to the Western corporate media, Al Jazeera and rebel ruse after their numerous fake news and calculated propaganda have been exposed. If there is a bounty on Gaddafi's head and with all the Western intelligence and now forces on the ground and shooting from roof tops, why can't they capture him? Why are they still bombing and destroying Libya if the man has been defeated? As soon as NATO-led rebels think they are not making waves with Western powers, they create a self serving diversion.Fact are: dead bodies are decomposing, Africans are executed, a hospital is closed, doctors and nurses fled. If the place is liberated, why all the debauchery? Is this humane, let alone democracy?    These are people who staged a scene of Tripoli in Qatar and claimed people were dancing in Tripoli. Even the ICC judged confirmed that Gaddafi's sons were captured, something that never happened. According the rebels, one of his sons, Khamis have been killed - twice. No explanation how ghosts walk around.   MsJoe     In a message dated 8/28/2011 8:53:44 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Libya rebels reject regime offer to talk By BEN HUBBARD - Associated Press,KARIN LAUB - Associated Press | AP –  44 mins ago tweet2 Share Email Print RELATED CONTENT Mahmoud Jibril, the head of Libya's rebel National Transitional Council, sits with … Libyan rebels are seen on the road out of Misrata, 118 miles (190 kilometers) from … TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) — Libyan rebels on Sunday rejected an offer by Moammar Gadhafi to negotiate and said they have captured the eastern town of Bin Jawwad, forcing regime loyalists to flee after days of fighting. The opposition fighters have threatened to advance westward on the coastal road toward Gadhafi's hometown of Sirte if tribal leaders there don't agree to surrender peacefully. The fighting in the east comes as the rebels consolidated their hold on the capital, Tripoli, some 350 miles (560 kilometers) to the west of Bin Jawwad. Mohammed al-Rajali, a spokesman for the rebels on the eastern frontlines, said they captured Bin Jawwad at about 10 p.m. Saturday and deployed forces in the city after days of fighting. He said Gadhafi's forces fled westward and were likely to join regime forces in Sirte, the headquarters of Gadhafi's tribe and his last major bastion of support. The opposition has threatened to assault the city, which has been heavily targeted by NATO airstrikes, if tribal leaders there refuse a peaceful surrender. With Gadhafi on the run, his spokesman Moussa Ibrahim called The Associated Press Saturday to say Gadhafi is still in Libya and offering to have his son, al-Saadi, lead talks with the rebels on forming a transitional government. In the past, Gadhafi referred to the rebels as "thugs" and "rats." Ibrahim said he saw Gadhafi Friday in Libya but would not give more details. Mahmoud Shammam, the information minister in the rebels' transitional council, rejected the offer. "I would like to state very clearly, we don't recognize them. We are looking at them as criminals. We are going to arrest them very soon," he said at a news conference. "Talking about negotiations is a daydream for what remains of the dictatorship." Meanwhile, more signs emerged of arbitrary killings of detainees and civilians by Libyan forces as the rebels swept into Tripoli earlier this week, including some 50 charred corpses found in a makeshift lockup near a military base that had been run by the Khamis Brigade, an elite unit commanded by Gadhafi's son, Khamis. Mabrouk Abdullah, who said he survived a massacre by Gadhafi's forces, also told The Associated Press that guards opened fired at some 130 civilian detainees in a hangar near the military base, and fired again when prisoners tried to flee. Abdullah, who was at the site Sunday, said he and other prisoners were told by a guard they would be released Tuesday. Instead, guards threw hand grenades and opened fire at detainees huddling in a hangar. Abdullah said he had been crouching along a wall and was shot in his side, lifting his shirt to show his injury. As survivors of the initial
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--  kenneth w. harrow  professor of english michigan state university department of english east lansing, mi 48824-1036 ph. 517 803 8839
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--  kenneth w. harrow  professor of english michigan state university department of english east lansing, mi 48824-1036 ph. 517 803 8839

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Fwd: IDLELO 5 2012: Call for Papers

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Francis Ohanyido" <>
Date: 26 Aug 2011 09:46
Subject: IDLELO 5 2012: Call for Papers
To: "Dr. Francis Ohanyido" <>

*pls share!


IDLELO 5 2012: Call for Papers*

IDLELO 5, the fifth biennial meeting of the Free Software and Open Source
Foundation for Africa (FOSSFA) will be held on *March 19-23, 2012*, in Abuja,
Nigeria. The 2012 Idlelo Program Committee thus invites proposals for papers
and presentation of on the use of Free and open Source Software (FOSS), and
Information and Communication Technologies(ICT) in general, to help attain
the MDGs. Members of FOSSFA may submit more than one paper or presentation

Sessions usually consist of three thirty-minute presentations, and proposals
should be geared to that length. A different format for some sessions may be
chosen by the Programmme Committee after the proposals have been reviewed.
Session organizers may wish to propose different formats for their sessions,
subject to Programmme Committee approval.
*Themes*: The theme of Idlelo 5 is: *"Free and Open Source Solutions for
Achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015."* Under this
rubric, IDLELO 5 will bring IT and FOSS experts from all over the African
continent and the world to discuss the use of FOSS and ICTs to help the
attainment of the MDGs in the following areas.

1. *Governance (e-government, advocacy, etc)*
2. *Poverty Alleviation (business, innovation, job creation, mobile
3. *Education (open educational resources, open learning, virtual
learning, online universities)*
4. *Health*

The Programme Committee seeks innovative proposals and sessions and hope to
see cross-disciplinary participation wherever possible. For both the
commissioned and the open sessions, we are looking for the broadest possible
range of proposals of topics within and across all the disciplines.

*Selection procedure*: Papers and Presentations will be evaluated for
promise of quality and significance of topic. Session organizers make an
initial selection of papers and submit a plan to the Programme Committee,
which makes final decisions by *18th January 2012*. Notification of
acceptance or rejection will take place shortly thereafter.

The proposal must have two parts: (1) a cover sheet containing the
proposer's name, professional status, postal address, home and office
telephone numbers, fax number (if available), e-mail address, and paper
title; (2) a second sheet containing the proposer's name, session for which
the paper should be considered, paper title, 250-word abstract, and
audio-visual equipment requirements. If the proposer will be at a different
address when decisions are announced in March, that address should be

*Submissions*: Proposals should be submitted to the Programme Committee
using *EasyChair*<>

The Programme Committee solicits papers for the sessions listed below. For
information about a specific session, contact the session organizer.

1. Government Roundtable
- *Organizer: Ms. Dorothy Gordon *
- *Co-Organizer: Diego Okenyodo*
2. Poverty Alleviation
- *Organizer: Samer Azmy *
- *Co-Organizer: Cyril N. T*
3. Education
- *Oganizer: Katim S. Touray *
- *Co-Organizer: Seun Ojedeji*
4. Health Organizer
- *Organizer: Francis Ohanyido*

*Other topics*: The Programme Committee welcomes submissions on other topics
and will organize additional sessions to accommodate the best submissions.

*Session proposals: *The Programme Committee will consider proposals for
entire sessions if their subject matter does not conflict with that of other
sessions. Please consult with the Programme Committee chair before preparing
a proposal. Session proposals require the same information as individual
paper proposals; abstracts for the papers in the proposed session will be
evaluated by the Program Committee.

*Audio-visual equipment:* Requests for audio-visual equipment must be made
with the proposal.

*Student Prizes:* Special awards will be given to some students for papers
judged meritorious by the program committee. To be eligible for an award
students must, of course, be members of the FOSSFA and, once their proposed
papers have been accepted for inclusion in the program, must submit complete
papers to the Programme Committee by *30th January, 2012*.

*The deadline for submission of proposals is 10th January, 2012. Please do
not send proposals to session organizers*

*Fro more information on IDLELO 5 visit<>


*Francis O. Ohanyido*
Team Leader, Africa- Synergy PMP
Consultant African Region World Health Organisation (WHO-AFRO)
Consultant, Bill & Melinda Gate's Foundation NURHI Project Nigeria
Country Representative HIFA2015, Nigeria
Faculties: Public Health- Bingham University ; *Supercourse-* University
of Pittsburgh USA; Global Health -University of Wisconsin USA
Twitter: *ohanyidof *Skype: *ohanyido*
Tel: +234 80 21 21 21 72, +234 80 22 17 82 22

You received this message because you are subscribed to the "USA-Africa Dialogue Series" moderated by Toyin Falola, University of Texas at Austin.
For current archives, visit
For previous archives, visit
To post to this group, send an email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to USAAfricaDialogue-

Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: You are missing the Point on Nigeria - rejects regime offer to talk

And not just about whether any country has the right to bomb other countries, or about whether any ruler has the right to slaugther his own people, but also about whether any people have a right to change their leader, even if such a leader were to be a saint?
In Egypt prior to and in the aftermath of the revolution, there were isolated incidences of mob targetting of minority Christians; was this anything other than the manifestation of some of the complex realities predating the revolution, and which the revolution was gropping to deal with?
Were there paid soldiers of fortune in the service of the Gadaffi dictatorship? Do they come from different nationality backgrounds, including Nigeria and yes ofcourse Tunisia, as well as others? Would this reality trigger the anger of some in the revolution? It is to be expected that it will. Is it proven that it is a widespread policy of the uprising to brutalise such people? Nothing that we know of leads us to believ that it is a standing principle of the uprising. Were some of these mercenaries treated qualitatively different as a matter of routine and policy from other pro-Gadaffi loyalists including Libyan loyalists?
The humdreds of thousands of ordinary Libyans who have defied a brutal dictator and dared to fight and unseat him, are they superhumans, saints, refined, without the prejudices of other human beings? Is it not in the process of the revolution, that this refinement is best assured of taking place? Otherwise why the revolution in the first place if people enter the revolution, and pass through it unchanged?
Are we to suppose that everytime NATO or a military power intervenes/moves to interven in any popular upheaval where a people are trying to unseat their rulers; that such a people should then cease their uprising and join their hated ruler to oppose imperialism?
Reality is infintely more complex than this simple reductions, and revolutionary reality even more so.
Jaye Gaskia

From: kenneth harrow <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 7:03 PM
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: You are missing the Point on Nigeria - rejects regime offer to talk

oh, i thought it was also about, does any ruler in the world have the right to slaughter his own people? why do you ignore that question?
not slavery, not colonialism, but good old brutal authoritarian dictatorship

On 8/31/11 9:29 AM, wrote:
You are missing the point and reducing it to political expediencies and horse trading. IT IS ABOUT PRINCIPLE. Do Western nations have the right to bomb any African country and compel regime change? How do they choose and pick their victims?
That is the salient point, not which monkey ate whose banana - as you have watered it down.
Is this not the same mental disposition that rationalized slavery and colonialism? In this day and age, can Africans not master their own evolutions? Why is there no hue and cry over Egypt and Tunisia? It debunks your anchor on loving dictators. Your simplistic views, couched on politicking,  are far removed from those who are sticking to the principles of it - nothing more, nothing less.
Now that Nigerians are massacred by the same regime that the Nigerian government dashed to embrace, what has the necessity of humanity - if not fairness, got to do with the headquarters of AU today or tomorrow? Can you imagine any self-respecting president and independent government playing the expedient FOOL  INCARNATE like this?  Where is the moral spine  - even if his politics feeds on opportunistic windfalls?
In a message dated 8/31/2011 1:38:24 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
Dear All,
Can we stop being sentimental and address the facts !!!
I will want everyone who does not understand why Jonathan/Nigeria recognized the New Libyan Govt. to have a rethink and get wiser. Gaddafi had been trying to subvert Nigeria because Nigeria is the only country strong enough to refuse his attempts to bribe AU members into allowing him to move AU headquarters to Tripoli and thereafter become the life President of AU.  African Countries supporting Gaddafi are led by leaders who hate democracy and want to stay-tight in office. These "African Heads of State" hate Nigeria and are jealous of the strong position Nigeria occupies in Africa. The are jealous of Nigeria's Manpower, Economic and Numerical strength/endowment. So there has always been this political gang-up against Nigeria by countries like SA, Zimbabwe, Ghana etc who will jump at the slightest excuse to insult and attack Nigeria. All of a sudden they are biting the finger that fed them, especially South Africa. What gave South Africa and Ghana the guts to attack Nigeria ? How much money did Gaddafi throw at them ?  Have you guys considered how many lives Gaddafi wasted just to stay in office all these years. How can some body who claims to be the President of a nation direct Tanks, Rockets and missiles at his people just because the told him that he has over stayed in office (42years)?
Gaddafi is a Maniac and must not be allowed to mislead other African nations and turn them into
Fellow Sit-tight Presidents. Of course one can understand why the President of South Africa will always support Gaddafi - they are birds of the same feather : they are paedophiles and known to have  constantly raped girls young enough to be their daughters. President Zuma raped a HIV/AIDS victim and the South African political class exonerated him from blame and that was the day South Africa began sliding away from the Truth. So with a Maniac like Zuma calling the shots in SA , what does one expect. Do not be surprised that is South Africa were to face a Revolution, Zuma will direct his Tanks, Rockets, Missiles and Bullets  on innocent civilians for demonstrating or complaining .
------Original Message------
From: Abraham Madu
To: Marilyn Jones
Subject: [NIgerianWorldForum] NATO   rejects regime offer to talk
Sent: Aug 28, 2011 2:40 PM

  From: Abraham Madu <> To: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <> Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2011 8:39 AM Subject: [IgboEvents:Live] NATO rebels reject regime offer to talk   From: Abraham Madu <> To: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; Marilyn Jones <>; "" <>; Johnson Anyadike <>; "" <> Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2011 8:37 AM Subject: [NIgerianWorldForum] Libya rebels reject regime offer to talk   . "Earlier this week, eight injured men were abandoned in a bombed out fire house in the Abu Salim neighborhood, some pleading for water, but residents and rebels made no effort to help them." by AP Associated Press. NATO bombed this particular fire house in the Abu Salim neighborhood,an act of barbarism! A.A.Madu From: "" <> To:;;;;; Cc:;;; Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2011 8:27 AM Subject: Re: [NIgerianWorldForum] Libya rebels reject regime offer to talk   You must be in another zone of delusion to still grant a fig of credibility to the Western corporate media, Al Jazeera and rebel ruse after their numerous fake news and calculated propaganda have been exposed. If there is a bounty on Gaddafi's head and with all the Western intelligence and now forces on the ground and shooting from roof tops, why can't they capture him? Why are they still bombing and destroying Libya if the man has been defeated? As soon as NATO-led rebels think they are not making waves with Western powers, they create a self serving diversion.Fact are: dead bodies are decomposing, Africans are executed, a hospital is closed, doctors and nurses fled. If the place is liberated, why all the debauchery? Is this humane, let alone democracy?    These are people who staged a scene of Tripoli in Qatar and claimed people were dancing in Tripoli. Even the ICC judged confirmed that Gaddafi's sons were captured, something that never happened. According the rebels, one of his sons, Khamis have been killed - twice. No explanation how ghosts walk around.   MsJoe     In a message dated 8/28/2011 8:53:44 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Libya rebels reject regime offer to talk By BEN HUBBARD - Associated Press,KARIN LAUB - Associated Press | AP –  44 mins ago tweet2 Share Email Print RELATED CONTENT Mahmoud Jibril, the head of Libya's rebel National Transitional Council, sits with … Libyan rebels are seen on the road out of Misrata, 118 miles (190 kilometers) from … TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) — Libyan rebels on Sunday rejected an offer by Moammar Gadhafi to negotiate and said they have captured the eastern town of Bin Jawwad, forcing regime loyalists to flee after days of fighting. The opposition fighters have threatened to advance westward on the coastal road toward Gadhafi's hometown of Sirte if tribal leaders there don't agree to surrender peacefully. The fighting in the east comes as the rebels consolidated their hold on the capital, Tripoli, some 350 miles (560 kilometers) to the west of Bin Jawwad. Mohammed al-Rajali, a spokesman for the rebels on the eastern frontlines, said they captured Bin Jawwad at about 10 p.m. Saturday and deployed forces in the city after days of fighting. He said Gadhafi's forces fled westward and were likely to join regime forces in Sirte, the headquarters of Gadhafi's tribe and his last major bastion of support. The opposition has threatened to assault the city, which has been heavily targeted by NATO airstrikes, if tribal leaders there refuse a peaceful surrender. With Gadhafi on the run, his spokesman Moussa Ibrahim called The Associated Press Saturday to say Gadhafi is still in Libya and offering to have his son, al-Saadi, lead talks with the rebels on forming a transitional government. In the past, Gadhafi referred to the rebels as "thugs" and "rats." Ibrahim said he saw Gadhafi Friday in Libya but would not give more details. Mahmoud Shammam, the information minister in the rebels' transitional council, rejected the offer. "I would like to state very clearly, we don't recognize them. We are looking at them as criminals. We are going to arrest them very soon," he said at a news conference. "Talking about negotiations is a daydream for what remains of the dictatorship." Meanwhile, more signs emerged of arbitrary killings of detainees and civilians by Libyan forces as the rebels swept into Tripoli earlier this week, including some 50 charred corpses found in a makeshift lockup near a military base that had been run by the Khamis Brigade, an elite unit commanded by Gadhafi's son, Khamis. Mabrouk Abdullah, who said he survived a massacre by Gadhafi's forces, also told The Associated Press that guards opened fired at some 130 civilian detainees in a hangar near the military base, and fired again when prisoners tried to flee. Abdullah, who was at the site Sunday, said he and other prisoners were told by a guard they would be released Tuesday. Instead, guards threw hand grenades and opened fire at detainees huddling in a hangar. Abdullah said he had been crouching along a wall and was shot in his side, lifting his shirt to show his injury. As survivors of the initial
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