Fellow Nigerians at home and abroad:
Congratulations on this, our 51st Independence Day Anniversary,
It is he or she who is less discerning and has not traveled nor read widely enough who is not aware that
there are many much less endowed countries in the world that are much more prosperous and peaceful
than Nigeria, our motherland and conversely that there are many more better endowed countries in the world
that have either been torn apart due to civil and religious strive or have had their progress stalled
due to ethnic and other differences compared to Nigeria.
There are three types of Nigerians: the optimists, the pessimists and the philosophical ones--to whom the
following quotes apply:
A pessimist sees only the dark side of the clouds, and mopes;
a philosopher sees both sides, and shrugs; an optimist doesn't
see the clouds at all - he's walking on them. ~Leonard Louis Levinson
A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities and an
optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties. ~Harry Truman
An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in.
A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves. ~Bill Vaughan
An optimist is the human personification of spring. ~Susan J. Bissonette
A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities and an optimist is one who makes
opportunities of his difficulties. ~Harry Truman
An optimist is a person who starts a new diet on Thanksgiving Day. ~Irv Kupcinet"
For the sake of our children and future generations of Nigerians we cannot afford the luxury of being
pessimistic about Nigeria. Similarly, we cannot afford to be simply optimistic about Nigeria without
working hard to make right what is wrong with Nigeria.
I have nothing more to say except that I fully endorse the message from Brother Eshiett in its entirety
and his recommendations for a more peaceful, progressive and prosperous Nigeria as encapsulated in the Quote
pasted immediately below,
Suggested solution(s)?
1. Teach and train future generation of Nigerians to take pride in having the privilege of belonging to the most populous, talented, resourceful and diversely cultural black nation on planet earth;
2. De-emphasize the differences in our religious lives and instead, teach and stress our common belief in one God and in the brotherhood of mankind. After all, in the emerging God's Kingdom on earth, there WILL be people whose beliefs where based/rooted in Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Shinto, etc. All the "other sheep that do not belong to this (Christian) fold" but will be brought to the fold, so that at the end, "there will be one fold one shepherd", our Lord Christ Jesus!!!
The sooner we learn to live in peace with all human beings, the more likely we will be citizens of the emerging Kingdom. And, living in peace with anyone in order to qualify for citizenship in God's Kingdom, involves practising all the known 13 virtues to the same degree at the least!!! Religiosity per se has absolutely nothing to do with it.
Accumulation of wealth, intellectuality and fame, all will not be of any help to anyone.
3. We need to discover what make(s) us uniquely good Nigerian and human beings in order to teach/stress them/it to our children/friends and others who care for what is good
and beautiful!!!
Once more, a very happy and great independence anniversary to Nigerians and all our friends worldwide.
Remain blessed
Mike Eshiett
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device.
-----Original Message-----
From: NseObot Ette-Umoh <AkwaOdudu@yahoo.com>
To: akwaibomglobal <akwaibomglobal@yahoogroups.com>; NaijaObserver <NaijaObserver@yahoogroups.com>; NaijaPolitics <NaijaPolitics@yahoogroups.com>; ibom_forum <ibom_forum@yahoogroups.com>; annang-forum <annang-forum@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Sat, Oct 1, 2011 11:56 am
Subject: ||NaijaObserver|| Re: [AkwaIbomGlobal] Happy 51st Independence Anniversary to Nigeria
From: NseObot Ette-Umoh <AkwaOdudu@yahoo.com>
To: akwaibomglobal <akwaibomglobal@yahoogroups.com>; NaijaObserver <NaijaObserver@yahoogroups.com>; NaijaPolitics <NaijaPolitics@yahoogroups.com>; ibom_forum <ibom_forum@yahoogroups.com>; annang-forum <annang-forum@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Sat, Oct 1, 2011 11:56 am
Subject: ||NaijaObserver|| Re: [AkwaIbomGlobal] Happy 51st Independence Anniversary to Nigeria
--- On Sat, 10/1/11, Dr MUA Eshiett <eshiett@doctors.org.uk> wrote:
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