1. Akin Solanke
One of the addresses of your email is Iro Eweka? Is he the same Iro Eweka of Education dept, Uniben?[University of Benin]
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Yes. Been in touch with him.
3.Akin Solanke
He made strong and positive impression on me when in Uniben as a fresher.
4.Toyin Adepoju:
He had a strange face in those days, like a person who has immersed himself in strange fields of knowledge.
5. Akin Solanke |
Remarkable, indeed.
He was about the best lecturer that taught me then. He was versatile and deep of mind. His strange facial appearance gave room for ambivalent interpretation of his personality. Because he smoked heavily, he appeared dazed and lost like a drug addict; yet, he looked mysterious and unfathomable. His characteristic white garment and beard created further distance and profundity about his strangeness. I had so much admiration for him. I was always excited anytime his psychology course came up on the time time table and I looked forward to it with great expectation.
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