Thursday, March 28, 2013

USA Africa Dialogue Series - China in Africa - Capitalism or Exploitation?

Yesterday I didn't really post any new articles because I spent the whole day reading up on current affairs in the African economic scene. I read up on a lot of recent, and past, news about the Chinese, and other foreign investors, involvement in the setting up shop in Africa. While some individuals, even natives of the continent, may see these economic partnerships as a benefit for the African community, I, on the other hand, see these foreign countries involvement as a way to further exploit the continent as a whole. Cold-blooded businessmen, potential investors, and multi-million dollar corporations who see how the continent flourishes with resources are just using Africa, and making BILLIONS of dollars, while the natives lose their jobs and land. Although the Chinese have certainly contributed to Africa's economic growth over the past 15 or so years, I am almost positive that their overall goals are entirely self-promotional, and focused around maintaining close access to Africa's precious mineral resources. All over the continent the Chinese have built roads, railways, ports, airports, and more, helping fill a crucial industrial gap that western benefactors have been reluctant to provide support in, but even though the Chinese involvement isn't completely negative, the cons still outweigh the pros heavily. I think a lot of people have a common misconception on the oil and mining industry. Read More

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