Saturday, August 9, 2014

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: NIGERIANSnCANADA | SmartAid Index 2014

Centre for Democracy and Development's Preliminary Report on Osun State Governorship Election
Released 4:30pm, August 9, 2014
The Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD duly accredited by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to observe the Osun State Governorship Election on August 9th, 2014, observed the election in 20 local governments in the state.
For the purpose of the gubernatorial election, INEC deployed 10,432 electoral officials to administer the election. INEC also accredited national and international observers for the polls. There is heavy security presence in the state. However, the security agents have conducted themselves in an orderly manner as at the time of filing this report. 
INEC deployment of logistics is commendable as election materials arrived ahead of accreditation in most of the polling units across the state. The accreditation process commenced timely in majority of the polling units across the state and ended around 11.30-11.45am. There were few cases of missing names on voters register but we commend the INEC Situation Room for the prompt resolution of reported cases.
 CDD observed that voting commenced around 12.30pm in most of reviewed local governments; however there were few reported incidents of disagreements over folding of ballot papers before handing out same to voters by the electoral officials. For instance, in Ward 2 Polling Unit 14 in Ejigbo local government, this led to a disagreement and delayed timely commencement of voting.
CDD also observed that in some polling units, electoral officials refused assistance to the aged and persons living with disabilities contrary to the INEC guidelines.
CDD observed that party agents representing Peoples Democratic Party(PDP), All Progressive Congress (APC), Progressive People' Alliance (PPA),  Peoples' Democratic Movement (PDM), Labour Party ( LP) and National Conscience Party (NCP) were present in most polling units despite the fact that about 20 political parties contested in the election.
CDD also observed that political parties did not comply with the electoral laws and INEC guidelines on the removal of posters across the state as campaign posters and billboards were seen littering polling units on the day of election.
CDD witnessed an average voter turnout during the gubernatorial election. The atmosphere in the state is calm and peaceful and results have started trickling in as at the time of filing this report.
Idayat Hassan

CDD releases Preliminary Report on Osun Election
CDD observed that voting commenced around 12.30 p.m. in most of reviewed local governments.
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Yusuf Shamsudeen Adio,
Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD)
16 A7 Street,
CITEC Mbora Estate,
Jabi/Airport Road By-pass,
P.O.Box14345, Wuse
Abuja, Nigeria
07032799268, 08128818565

On Saturday, August 9, 2014 10:17 AM, "Yona Maro [NigeriansnCanada]" <> wrote:

The SmartAid Index (SmartAid) measures whether funders are set up to support financial inclusion effectively. It assesses a funder's internal systems and practices related to its financial inclusion projects—meaning all projects that contribute to a state in which all households and businesses have access and the ability to use a broad range of appropriate financial services that are provided responsibly and sustainably in a well-regulated environment.
Measuring the effectiveness of funding for financial inclusion is not easy, given the long chain from project design, to implementation on the ground, to impact on the lives of the poor. SmartAid focuses on the first part of this chain, funders' internal management systems, with the simple premise that funders with strong systems are more likely to deliver good projects on the ground. Many factors that affect project performance are beyond funders' influence, thus SmartAid focuses on those factors where funders have more direct control—their internal systems. SmartAid does not evaluate the performance of funders' financial inclusion projects on the ground; other tools (e.g., portfolio reviews) exist for that purpose.
In 2006, 29 major development institutions asked CGAP to create a tool that would help them improve the effectiveness of their support to microfinance. In response, CGAP developed the SmartAid Index. Twenty development institutions participated in SmartAid between 2007 and 2013, representing the major funders supporting financial inclusion.


Posted by: Yona Maro <>
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