Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Below is a link to a song. The song was a ferocious attack on Professor Jega in 2011, on grounds that he just gave the elections to PDP. The man (JEGA) took a lot of personal insult in the song. I am glad he can now rest. 


The Hausa accent in the song is that of Northwestern Nigeria. Do not be carried away by the rhythm; if you understand Hausa, this is a vicious attack on anything JEGA and his mother. The singers and their sponsors expected INEC to solve the problem of moral decadence and aggrandizement in the country. 


They failed to realize that without appropriate moral and ethical value system and well-functioning institutions that restrain people or guide them in their pursuits, a single individual's effort, or the effort of INEC can easily be frustrated. 


Interestingly, last year while in Sokoto for a conference, I heard the songs of this team of singers in one of the markets in Sokoto City. Here is the link to the music: 



Samuel Zalanga
Department of Anthropology, Sociology & Reconciliation Studies
Bethel University, 3900 Bethel Drive #24
Saint Paul, MN 55112.
Office Phone: 651-638-6023

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