Tuesday, January 2, 2018

USA Africa Dialogue Series - State power, capacity building, and corruption: Innoson and the bank

The moderator wants to be educated: If Innoson's claims about all of Innoson Motors are true, and if there is a capacity to grow the automobile industry further, is it not the role of the state or federal government to mediate, bail both the man and the bank out, irrespective of the transgressions, and let Innoson Motors expand?

I need to be educated about this, in a country where politicians are so corrupt and they don't create jobs for other people?

I will not want any bad thing to befall Dangote, in spite of his linkages to politics.




Toyin Falola

Department of History

The University of Texas at Austin

104 Inner Campus Drive

Austin, TX 78712-0220


512 475 7224

512 475 7222 (fax)


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