Saturday, March 31, 2018

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: Today's Quote

Chidi Anthony Opara,

Re - "you who claim to be his follower, will continue to cling to your negative proclivities."

It's not only the followers of Jesus who continue to cling to what you call "negative proclivities" ( big grammar)

I guess that Nim Wariboko and the US Council of Theologians will be busy working out some of the modalities of the Hereafter. As for me, I have repented and already asked for forgiveness in advance for the "negative proclivities" that I am going to commit (since the flesh is "weak")

I have heard about purgatory as the in-between place where Catholics are punished for as long as it takes before they are finally admitted through the gates of heaven. Talking about Heaven , since you have also been reporting now and then from the "Motor Park" I must tell you, please don't look down on the Danfo driver: you have probably not heard about the Danfo driver who was seated in one of the front pews in Heaven?

Well, here's something to make you weep

When it comes to accountability as you would like legislated for some of our politicians ,I guess that the criminals will at least take some small comfort in knowing that "There is no hell" ( According to Pope Francis)

On Thursday, 29 March 2018 15:00:12 UTC+2, Chidi Anthony Opara wrote:
Tomorrow, the Christ will say that; "It is finished", yet, you who claim to be his follower, will continue to cling to your negative proclivities.

(c) Chidi Anthony Opara


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