Thursday, January 30, 2020


So what's new? 
Brit and Canada know all about it. 
Great Deemocracies. 
Listen to their oligarchs. 
They'll tell you all about it. 
Merely another ratchet-release  
As the descent steepens. 
Oligarchs have not yet been formally graduated/ elevated to the rank of Tyrants; but they're not far off, if not already there. 

And the hints that Trumpie and his fellow Oligarchs have dropped  when labelling Green Peace folk "extremists"—like Pat, a member since the days of Greenham Common and "Ban the Bomb"—suggests it won't be too long before revelations commence from Graduated Lists to crank up the newest updates of the Inquisition/ HUAC on a synchronised drip-feed to "good folk"/ Regime Supporters Informing them of "extremists and other un-patriotic folk" in their midst; and of the need for these "good folk" to take steps to ensure the "disease" with which these extremists are infected does not further spread. As "good folk" of their respective Countries, it is their duty to do so. …Consult McCarthy Papers, and Miller's "The Crucible". For further relevant themes, see also "Death of a Salesman". 

Lots of rain today. Brit winter, you see. 

And Good Heavens.
Tomorrow is BREXIT Eve—barring a last-minute Courthouse Step deal.  Chance for Brit folk at long last to breathe a bit of non-Euro air. The Whitehall "Sir Humphreys"—of "Yes Minister"—have long had their programmes and varying options in place. Time almost here to get on with it. 

And so it's all cha-cha-cha. Meedja in a state of ecstasy. Spoiled for choice. So many tasty long-lasting main courses. Can't believe their luck. Worth billions to the "OKs" of the political world. And MEGXIT is providing equal if not more opportunities for the purveyors of the ravenous market for OK Celebrity chat. 

Love and hope, 

"Rome Is burning" as I speak. 

Baba m

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