Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Why Labour should fear Liz Truss

"The fact Liz Truss has been on a political journey also makes her a powerful communicator. Some of the most persuasive arguments in politics are based on empathy rather than angry disagreement. Liz Truss knows why voters find progressive policies attractive, which can strengthen the persuasive power of her arguments for people to change their views. And her speaking style is clear and simple. The listener readily understands what she thinks and believes. Her opponents who too readily dismiss her as simplistic are missing the point. Politics is not a mathematical equation — a ten-point plan won't beat a five-point plan 10-5. The messages and policies that win are those that connect with the heart as much as the head." ---John Mcternan

The above paragraph sums it all up for me. But unfortunately, it is also the likely nemesis for those who underestimate Liz Truss.

This is a powerful opinion piece with excellent analysis and insight. I stand by most parts of the arguments. However, as I stated in an earlier post (here), Liz Truss is the next PM waiting to be installed. It will be a shock turnaround of events if anything else happens.

Yet, I see the Labour Party hopefuls merely deceiving themselves if they think she would be a walkover at the next general election. Indeed, I boldly say a Rishi Sunak as PM makes it more likely for a Labour victory at the next general elections.

As Labour and opposition leader, Keir Starmer has been, at best, a significant factor in calming the massive division in the Labour Party. He has made divergent views relegated to the background but has not healed the wound of division created since the exit of Jeremy Corbyn. Until the Labour Party heals and reunites, they are far from power. Now they have only managed to calm the dissenting voice and anger. Their next step should be moving toward reunification and re-energising the membership in the journey to potentially seeking power.

As things stand today, as I see it is welcome, PM Liz Truss. I see Liz Trust winning the next general elections with a weakened majority, as with Theresa May. Still, she would forge partnerships and tarry while waiting for the machiavellian and chauvinist Tory members to push her out as they did Theresa May. I suspect their secret candidate planned in the corner as they did Boris Johnson, who waited to take over from Theresa May.

This unfolding drama is exciting as British politics always is. I suspect the story of Julius Caesar had British politics in mind when it was written. Remember "Et tu, Brute?"…




On Wed, 3 Aug 2022 at 09:06, Femi Kolapo <> wrote:
A powerful endorsement of Truss and a personality (psychology) explanation for why Sunak can't win.

Femi J. Kolapo  | Department of History |   

College of Arts | University of Guelph | 50 Stone Rd E | Guelph ON | N1G 2W1   




A thought for the month:

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
In memory of Dr. Alan Gordon, our departed colleague and  friend in Hist. Dept. UofG, d. July 25, 2022:
    I wish a doubt to entertain // that good people do really die // for though dead their voice I hear
  though buried their lively faces are ever here // Their shape of head, their height, frame and gait //
        their nephew, niece, and children sport // While alive their lives they sowed in others' lives
                    And the fruit they leave behind // all the time recalls their pleasant name
                  And such, Alan, is the case with you// Live on, Alan Gordon, Rest on in Peace.


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