Wednesday, May 24, 2023

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Leadership and the o Pay Revolution

#leadership The O-PAY Revolution; Olu Akanmu in the struggle
So O -Pay the payment systems and financial inclusion company as presided over as President and Co Ceo, by UNIFIE product, OLu Akanmu got the GUINESS ACCOUNT! its some how reminding of UPS considered for the account of FORD MOtors not to deliver mail but to distribute spare parts!
if OPAY can do the whole of GUINESS Nigeria then your imagination runs wild! its a game changer perhaps the beginning of another revolution.
Nigerians are believed to be the second largest consumers of GUiness after the IRISH, ireland home of GUINESS. what"s more IRELAND used to be referred to as the sick man of Europe with the Patron Saint, PATRICK and Nigeria is the sick man of the black world with also the Patron saint ,PATRICK as given by the missionaries many of them IRISH.
It was Karl marx who said "revolutions are the locomotive of History .there is a quiet revolution going on in niigeria by someone who is believed to have been formerly and heavily in influenced by marx but now uses not Marx but market forces in the struggle for financial inclusion of the african people.
some might have accused Olu Akanmu then a student union activist at university of Ife ,with time spent in detention, of crossing to the "other side" of the ideological divide, as a certain and related character in THE ORIKI OF A GRASSJOPPER by femi osofisan but it still looks like olu akanmu iss till in the struggle but this time using not mark but market forces ALUTA CONTUNUA ? #people #inclusion #university #nigeria

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