Thursday, August 31, 2023

USA Africa Dialogue Series - How to copy the USA

We did not copy the USA   Constitution  properly  this might explain  why it is not  working for us in nigeria

For instance in the USA  the    states  have  their individual  constitutions  and the Governors are  referred to as  commander in chief 

we should also not forget, DIversity, equity and sustainability, inclusivity.we should use our ballpoint pens to actualise all these not email or social media,

geta stamp, envelope and writing paper and in your long hand wtrite to your elected representatives at the three tiers calling for restructuring.
you could also photocopy and circulate in yur community calling for restructuring .,democracy calls for citizens participation,24 7 365 ,not just on election day..

Let my people Go! 100 per cent local government Autonomy!!
There are federal laws, state laws and local government there should be federal police, state police and local government police.
Nigerian governors are guilty of the sane crime they are accusing the federal government of Muhammad buhari in choosing not to grant 100 per cent autonomy to the local governments and the council's
They choose to use the local government chairman perhaps as errand boys to award contract and to win elections and probably to divert funds. Same with the councillors 
Ideally, the sharing formula should be 60 per cent to the local government, 30 to the states and 10 per cent to the federal government. 
The state governors control too much including the commissioner's, members of the House of assembly, local government chairmen and councillors! That's perhaps why the system is not working.
The Governor's should be limited to the commissioners. The others having 100 per cent autonomy.
The Governor's should be based in small towns and the biggest cities should have mayors. This is how it should it is in the USA; The Governors have centrifugal force. That is forces acting out. Widespread! And the mayors of the metropolitan cities have Centripetal force. Forces acting in. concentrated at the centre. a good book to read is titled,When mayors rule the world..this would attact more competent people to contesting for seat of local government
In this way we would have persons competent enough to be president of Nigeria as local government chairman and hence an explosion of development #develop

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