Thursday, April 30, 2015
Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Celebration of Life: Richard Feyiṣayọ Ṣoyọmbọ
USA Africa Dialogue Series - Quality education and funding dilemmas
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USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: The Change Chant (Poem)
Dear Chidi,
Look – the Igbo people in Nigeria were so good to me that for me to ever respond in a contrary manner to even the miscreants among them would be not- me. Perish the thought! It's as simple as that.
A personal note:
You know how people quote and twist lines of scripture to suit their own purpose/ agenda…
RE-"The change chant
Is entering into the yard of yesterday." (Opara) -
Still in gear (using the present continuous tense) as long as you didn't say that yesterday's chant has entered "the dustbin of history" (a terrible expression - which fittingly endorsed today, the day - 30th April - that Mr. Hitler officially entered the everlasting dungeon of hellfire)
If it's today's Nigeria that you're talking about or insinuating, then you know as well as everybody else that you ain't seen nothing yet and that Nigerians will chanting "change!" each and every day, just as Brother Obama thundered "Change has come to America!" on the first day and we all watched a tear roll down chased by another, rolling down the cheek of the Rt.Hon. The Rev Jesse Jackson as he was quite overcome with emotion to be witnessing this change - a Black Man elected President of the Mighty United States of America – "almost impossible to do" like the fulfillment of an almost impossible dream such as the Rev Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have a dream" still being quoted and chanted worldwide on national and international TV, each and every day. You know that you're famous when people hear / read you and start quoting you!
"Yesterday's just a memory
Tomorrow's never what it's supposed to be" (Dylan)
If it's Nigeria you're talking about I know this
It's not a time for being skeptical or cynical. WE ought not sabotage change. We've got to be positive about the change we're talking about. I hope that the Nigerian Civil Service will be more of a meritocracy…
The Holy Quran says in Surah ar ra'd ayat 11: "Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves."
Mahatma Gandhi said:" 'Be the change that you wish to see in the world" or indeed, in others
Since change is your theme, inevitably you echo not Brother Buhari but the Buddha
Nor can Chidi take a dip in the same Imo or Aba River, twice…
In Zimbabwe: Movement for Democratic Change (MDC)
In Sierra Leone – not too long ago: The People's Movement for Democratic Change (PMDC)
The opposite of change is static stagnation, some kinda standing still at half-mast, watching the rivers flow by from your verandah, as your hair changes from black to the colour that Chinweizu so heavily critiqued when Brer Soyinka wrote "To my First White Hairs"
Gotta update my blog about what happened yesterday and today…
On Friday, 24 April 2015 09:33:34 UTC+2, Chidi Anthony Opara wrote:
By Chidi Anthony Opara
The chant
Of change is fading,
The chorus
Too is fading.
The change chant
Is entering into the yard of yesterday.(Poem presented as social service, all rights reserved.)
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Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - FW: [cppglobalforum] You have received a YouTube video!
On 4/30/15 3:01 PM, Dompere, Kofi Kissi wrote:
> Greetings ALL.
> A must watch: Africoms war on Africa. THIS IS FOR THOSE WHO INTELLECTUAL WORKS ARE TO FOR DECOLONIZATION AND DEVELOPMENT. It is also for the understanding of contemporary AFRICAN history
> Nkrumah was overthrown by AFRICAN AMERICAN USA AMBASSADOR.
> Gaddafi was deposed and killed by AFRICAN AMERICAN USA PRESIDENT.
> Question: Who are the friends of Africa and who are enemies of Africa?
kenneth w. harrow
faculty excellence advocate
professor of english
michigan state university
department of english
619 red cedar road
room C-614 wells hall
east lansing, mi 48824
ph. 517 803 8839
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USA Africa Dialogue Series - FW: [cppglobalforum] You have received a YouTube video!
A must watch: Africoms war on Africa. THIS IS FOR THOSE WHO INTELLECTUAL WORKS ARE TO FOR DECOLONIZATION AND DEVELOPMENT. It is also for the understanding of contemporary AFRICAN history
Nkrumah was overthrown by AFRICAN AMERICAN USA AMBASSADOR.
Gaddafi was deposed and killed by AFRICAN AMERICAN USA PRESIDENT.
Question: Who are the friends of Africa and who are enemies of Africa?
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Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: NigerianID | Knowledge Production and Contradictory Functions in African Higher Education
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Malwina Bakalarska Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 11:52 To: Reply To: Cc:;;;; Subject: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: NigerianID | Knowledge Production and Contradictory Functions in African Higher Education |
Thanks for sharing this wonderful book with us!
If anyone is interested in African higher education abroad, you might have a look at (it's just a basic version, more will be coming soon :)
This is a webpage of my new research project focused on Nigerian educational migration to China and Malaysia.
BTW, if you have any friends studying in China, pls let me know as I am going there this June to conduct interviews and collect data.
Best regards
Dr. Malwina Bakalarska
Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures
Polish Academy of Scinces,
Nowy Świat 72
00-330 Warsaw
W dniu środa, 29 kwietnia 2015 09:57:10 UTC+2 użytkownik toyindanteifa napisał:
Wow!On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 7:42 AM, Yona Maro [NigerianID] < > wrote:This volume brings together excellent scholarship and innovative policy discussion to demonstrate the essential role of higher education in the development of Africa and of the world at large. Based on deep knowledge of the university system in several African countries, this book will reshape the debate on development in the global information economy for years to come. It should be mandatory reading for academics, policy-makers and concerned citizens, in Africa and elsewhere.
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Mark your calendar, Leadership and Governance Canada Leadership Forum is September 20, 2014 @ Toronto Sheraton Hotel .
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September 20, 2014 | Afenifere Renewal Group (ARG) Canada and the Institute of African Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
PRESENT: "Yorùbá: Between Values and Modernity" Lecture
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Enjoy Nigerian and Caribbean music 24-7 on HTTP:// Log on now.
The Who s Who of Nigerian decent in Canada Hardcover Book.
Please submit your 250 word biography and photo to to be included in the first edition of the book. Share this notice with your family and friends!
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"No part of any discussion on NigerianID may be used, quoted, or referred to, without the express permission of the individual author, or the Chief moderator All discussions on NigerianID are the express property of the author and NigerianID." Copyright 2006-2013. NigerianID. All Rights Reserved.
Nigerian Professionals and Business Network. Our mission is to promote the spirit of patriotism, networking, and cooperation among Nigerians in Diaspora....
Donate your used Glasses to the "Seeing Changes the View" Nigeria Project at and help someone today. ProudNigerians.Org is an informal movement of like-minded people who wants to see incremental changes in Nigeria and who are leading by taking simple actions and paying it forward.
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USA Africa Dialogue Series - 2015 Annual Africa Conference: Conference Videos
Video recordings of select conference sessions and keynote presentations are now available:
We hope to continue to increase our video production and use this avenue to reach a wider audience, as we know people are watching the videos and using them for class lectures and discussions.
Audio only version of the Conference Keynote: "The Role of the Diaspora in Africa's Economic and Political Transformations", Dr. Paul Tiyambe Zeleza
Conference Photos (will be updated periodically):
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USA Africa Dialogue Series - Single Black Female BA Seeks Educated Husband: Race, Assortative Mating and Inequality
Single black female BA seeks educated husband: Race, assortative mating and inequality

There is a growing trend in the United States towards assortative mating — a clunky phrase that refers to people's tendency to choose spouses with similar educational attainment. Rising numbers of college-educated women play a key role in this change. It is much easier for college graduates to find and marry each other when there are more equal numbers of each gender within an educational bracket.
A media storm erupted in the Spring of 2013 when a Princeton alum, Susan A. Patton, president of the class of '77, offered the following advice to female students: "Here's what nobody is telling you: Find a husband on campus before you graduate." Writing in The Daily Princetonian, Patton went on: "You will never again be surrounded by this concentration of men who are worthy of you."
Patton was dubbed a busybody, an elitist, and an anti-feminist. But while the idea of finding a spouse during college was outdated, her basic advice to marry a man "worthy of you" seems to be one most college graduate women were already heeding.
One implication of assortative mating is greater household income inequality, since education is a strong — and strengthening — predictor of earnings. Households with two college graduates multiply that earnings power by two and are doing much better than households with less-educated couples. Jeremy Greenwood of the University of Pennsylvania and colleagues estimate that assortative mating pushes up the Gini coefficient (a measure of income inequality) from 0.34 to 0.43. Work by Brookings' Gary Burtless suggests that between 10 percent and 16 percent of income inequality in the United States is caused by the "growing correlation of earned incomes received by husbands and wives."
Assortative mating may also have an impact on intergenerational mobility, since it widens the gap in resources available in different households. Families with two college graduates will have more money to invest in their children and may be able to afford private K-12 schools or homes in top-notch school districts. They are also more likely to have jobs offering greater flexibility, allowing them to better balance work and family life. At the other end of the spectrum, less-educated couples or single parents are more likely to face insecure working conditions, lower pay, and limited access to high-quality schools.
Race is a factor in patterns of assortative mating. Black women face more difficult "marriage markets" than white women, given current rates of intermarriage according to work from University of Maryland sociologist Philip N. Cohen. Black women have the lowest rates of "marrying out" across race lines, in part because of racist attitudes to inter-marriage. Just 49 percent of college-educated black women marry a well-educated man (i.e., with at least some post-secondary education), compared to 84 percent of college-educated white women, according to an analysis of PSID data by Yale sociologist Vida Maralani.
In this Long Memo, we examine race gaps in marriage patterns in terms of educational sorting, using 5-year estimates from the 2008-2012 waves of the American Community Survey. We focus in particular on college graduates.
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Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Change Is Here (Poem)
Today my brah woke up bellicose
I locked the door on his fermenting rage
My brah flew out the window
Like sounds of passion in still night
My brah's anger has shut down his brain
My brah has shat in the church
He is old, he is an elder
Why is my brah acting like a child, a rotten child?
Because I took the remote
Because I changed his channel.
On 4/28/15, Chidi Anthony Opara <> wrote:
> IBK,
> remember that "The bellow
> Belied baba's burnished face,"
> CAO.
> On Tuesday, 28 April 2015 11:55:54 UTC+1, ibk wrote:
>> CAO,
>> I grant you poetic license. Yes change is here. From tolerance of graft to
>> intolerance of corruption and moral bankruptcy!
>> Cheers.
>> IBK
> --
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USA Africa Dialogue Series - News Release: Malawi Takes Key Step To Advance Digital Payments And Drive Inclusive Growth
chidi opara reports: News Release: Malawi Takes Key Step... (Government, private sector, mobile operators and development organizations convene to establish a plan for the future) | |||||||
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USA Africa Dialogue Series - Achebe & Friends at Umuahia
Achebe and Friends at UmuahiaThe Making of a Literary EliteTerri Ochiagha![]() This is the first in-depth scholarly study of the literary awakening of the young intellectuals who became known as Nigeria's "first-generation" writers in the post-colonial period. Terri Ochiagha's research focuses on Chinua Achebe, Elechi Amadi, Chike Momah, Christopher Okigbo and Chukwuemeka Ike, and also discusses the experiences of Gabriel Okara, Ken Saro-Wiwa and I.C. Aniebo, in the context of their education in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s at Government College, Umuahia. The author provides fresh perspectives on Postcolonial and World literary processes, colonial education in British Africa, literary representations of colonialism and Chinua Achebe's seminal position in African literature. She demonstrates how each of the writers used this very particular education to shape their own visions of the world in which they operated and examines the implications that this had for African literature as a whole. Supplementary material is available online of some of the original sources. See: Terri Ochiagha holds one of the prestigious British Academy Newton International Fellowships (2014-16) hosted by the School of English, University of Sussex. She was previously a Senior Associate Member of St Antony's College, University of Oxford. ReviewsFocusing on the emergence of an African elite at Government College Umuahia and their turn to literature as a mode of self-expression, Terri Ochiagha's Achebe and Friends answers one of the outstanding questions in African literary history: Why did the most important group of pioneer writers emerge from one institution in Eastern Nigeria in the last decades of colonial rule? Ochiagha combines the archival skills of a cultural historian with the sensibilities of a literary critic to produce perhaps one of the most important commentaries on African literature in recent years. This is a remarkable book on the origins of African literature and an unmatched model of how to do the literary history of the postcolonial world. SIMON GIKANDI, Robert Schirmer Professor of English, Princeton University |
USA Africa Dialogue Series - News Release: A Critical Evaluation Of The Despicable Activities Of Red-Capped Igbo Natives In Nigeria
chidi opara reports: News Release: A Critical Evaluation... Igbo Chiefs on a recent visit to Buhari | |||||||
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